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I picked up Zack from his house, were on our way to meet the adopters.

He just told me that he still hasn't told his mom that I'm pregnant. I mean doesn't she need to know, I'm almost 5 months. I guess I can't be upset at him since I haven't told my dad yet.

I pull into the restaurant that we're meeting them at. I don't know why they wanted to meet at a restaurant but I'm not mad, I'm starving.

I park the car and get out and rush into the restaurant without saying a word to Zack. My hormones are making me mad and I don't want to flip on him.

"Reservation for Smith" I say

"Your party is already here. Right this way."

He leads us to a table way in the back. I see the couple sitting down they look so nervous. They stand up when they see us coming.

"Hi, I'm Jane"

"And I'm John" they say and i smile

"We already know your names." Jane says and I laugh as I sit down.

"It's so nice to meet you." John smiles

"You too." Zack says

The waiter comes over and hands us our menus. My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures of food. Everything looks so good.

"So what made you pick us." Jane says

"Well, we were looking through the book and no one really stood out to us, except you guys. I just want the best life for our little girl." Damn it I did not mean to say girl

"Oh my god. It's a girl." Jane says and her eyes light up.

"No, I'm so sorry. My appointment is next week to find out. I just feel like its a girl."

"Oh.." Jane says and looks away.

Way to ruin it Ashley.

The waiter comes back over.

"What would you like to eat?" He asks

"I'll the chicken salad" Jane says

"I'll have a steak. Medium rare." John says

"I'll have the burger special" Zack says

"I'll have a burger with cheese and bacon. I want a large side of fries and a strawberry milkshake." I say and smile

Everyone looks at me then laughs

"What?" I say, feeling super embarrassed

"That's a lot of food." Zack says and laughs

"Well I'm pregnant so"

Everyone just continues laughing as if I'm not here.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, I look ugly today. I really should have tried dressing up for once.

I wash my hands and sigh. I breath in and out a few times. I can't let it get to me, I know they were just kidding.

On my way back to the table I bump into Jane.

"Hey I was coming to see if you were okay." She says with a sweet smile.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just got upset that's all."

"We're all really sorry."

"It's fine" I say and go to the table

"I'm really sorry about what we said." John says

"Really it's fine." I say

Our food comes over and every one starts to eat, avoiding conversation. I didn't know it would be quite this awkward. I thought we would ask questions and they would ask questions back, but it really feels as if the conversation is strained.

"Are you for sure giving the baby up?" Jane asks

"Um.. " I look at Zack for help. I really don't want to answer her question

"We're not sure. Just an option we have. We want what s best for the baby." Zack says

"Then why are we here. Usually if someone wants to meet a family it's because they're certain that's what they are doing." Jane says, she seems frustrated

"Maybe because we're young and we're scared and don't know what to do." I say

"This is a waste of our time." Jane says to her husband

I look over at zack "I think we should go" he says

We both get up and leave, This was terrible. A waste of their time, more like a waste of my time. Could she have been any ruder? I mean, I would be giving her my baby and all.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this." I say to Zack as I get into my car

"You didn't drag me into it, I agreed to this."

"I think I don't want to give the baby to some strangers."

"Me either." Zack says

"Do you want to keep the baby?" I ask him, I know I do.



"Of course. I would love to be a father and support you through this" He smiles at me

"We're really going to do this?"

"Yeah" he says and squeezes my hand.

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