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I head into my first period class with a smile on my face. Me and Zack had just gotten done talking. We had a really good talk, he's starting to grow on me.

As I step into the room it feels like all eyes are on me. A couple of people start to whisper as I go by them.

"Does it feel like everyone's staring at me or is it just me being crazy" I ask Maria who's sitting beside me.

"No, I think everyone is.." She whispers to me. "Mr Carmen I don't feel good can I got to the nurse and Ashley go with me."

"Yes Maria, Ashley hurry back." Mr. Carmen says looking at us weird.

Maria pulls me out of class and practically drags me it the bathroom.

"I thought you didn't feel good." I ask her

"I was lying. Why didnt you tell me?"

"Tell you what.." I say kind of confused

"That you're pregnant."

"What? How do you know that?"

"So it is true. " she says and takes a few steps back

"Yes, and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I'm just scared is all."

She pulls me into a hug and I almost start crying, but i hold it together this time.

"You should have told me Ashley. I would do anything for you, you're my best friend." She says and smiles down at me.

Maria's much taller then me. She's beautiful and could be a model, but she choses to play basketball instead.

"I know why everyone was staring." She says and leans against the sink

"What why?"

"Eveyone knows. I heard Beth talking with her little group and she was telling them how she saw you outside of the clinic."

"Oh my god .." I say

I really didn't want people to find out like this, but of course Beth would tell everyone.

Me and Beth have always hated each other since we were little, for no particular reason. She's just a bitch so of course I'm going to be one back.

I sigh and head back to class with Maria following behind me.

When I get there I do something that's very shocking to everyone,

I take off my jacket. Under my jacket I have on a very tight white shirt. You can clearly see my baby bump.

Mr. Carmen looks over at me. His eyes stay on my stomach for a few seconds but he quickly looks away.

Everyone else is the class practically has their eyes budging out of their heads. Have they never seen a pregnant person before?

The rest of the day is how you could imagined, random people coming up to me and asking me if I'm pregnant. Girls asking me who's the father, I didn't tell them because I doubt Zack wants that kind of attention on him right now.

As I'm leaving to go to my car Zack comes over to me.

"Hi, I heard everyone talking about you being pregnant. I didn't know you were telling people. " He says looking in my eyes

"It wasn't planned"

"Does everyone know I'm the father?"

"Is that all your worried about?" I say

"No, no. Of course not."

"I've got to go" I say and get into my car and drive away.

I don't know why but he really pissed me off.

Vanessa hudgens is who I see Ashley as.

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