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I feel warm liquid dripping down my leg, I'm just standing there unable to move, to shocked to even do anything. 

Miranda sees me standing there and asks "are you okay?" 

"No.." Is all i can say, no words seem to be forming in my mind. I felt fine all day long i can't believe this is happening.

"What's going on?" She asks concerned

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?" She yells

"I think my water broke!" I scream since she decided to yell at me.


"Miranda lower your voice I just got Mary to sleep she had a nightmare. What do you need?" He asks as he walks down the stairs

"Ashleys water broke."

I still stand there in the same place on the stairs unable to move, My brain can't do anything right now. I'm so scared.

"Where's Zack?" I finally ask

"He's not here. He went with Dylan to drive Maria home." Miranda says

"Lets get you to the hospital" My dad says

I don't remember anything else after that, I don't remember the car ride to the hospital. I don't remember getting checked into the hospital, I can't remember any of it. All I can focus on is me having this baby.

"Ashley, Are you okay?" Dr Wright asks since I'm clearly spaced out

"Oh yes. Just scared." I say and sigh

Zack still hasn't arrived at the hospital, I don't even know how long I've been here. My dad's been calling him and Dylan non stop but neither one of them will pick up.

I just want him here with me.

"That's normal, everything will be okay. The baby is healthy, You're already 5 centimeters dilated, which is a good start. " She says and looks at me

I just smile at her as she walks out the room.

I can't think straight without Zack here.

"Miranda, could you call Zack again?" I ask

"Of course" She says and picks up her phone

As she's calling a contraction hits me hard, I instantly start to cry. No one's here to hold my hand and tell me it'll be okay.

Miranda walks back into the room.

"Still no answer, Him and Dylan must've went somewhere."

"You're not worried about them?"

"No, they're boys. Probably out drinking a beer or something." Miranda says

"I doubt that, but okay." I say and sigh

"He'll be here Ashley, stop worrying. "

2 Hours later ..

I wake up with a sharp pain in my stomach. I start to do my breathing that I learned from my baby books and it actually helped.

I look around the room and of course I'm alone. Where is everyone?

The nurse comes in to check on me only at 6 centimeters now. Things have started to slow down, but they started me on medicine to calm the contractions.

"Do you know where my family is?" I ask the nurse who's name I forgot

"No, but I'll check on it for you." She says as she walks out the room

My dad walks in about 20 minutes later.

"Where's Zack?" I ask for about the 100th time tonight.

"We still don't know Ashley. Miranda went and looked for them. I called Maria she said they dropped her off at home a long time ago. So who knows what they got themselves into." My dad says and sits in the chair beside me.

This doesn't feel right being here without Zack. I've thought about this moment so many times since I got pregnant. Never once did i think about it without him here.

"Everything will be okay." My dad says and squeezes my hand.

"I'm scared he's going to miss the birth of his son" I say

"He won't, he will be here. I'll be here if not."

That isn't good enough, I don't say that but I want to. I'm to tired to think.

I wake up out of a dead sleep to the sound of someone crying.

"What's going on?" I ask and sit up

Miranda just starts to cry more into my dad's shoulder.

"It's .. it's .. Dylan and Zack .." Miranda says between sobs

"What?" I scream as my heart starts to race

"They were in an accident.."

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