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I woke up bright and early since Zack said he wanted to show me this apartment he found. I really can't wait to see it.

I get dressed quickly not really caring about what I put on.

I don't know why I'm so excited, it just sounds so amazing being independent.

I meet Zack downstairs and grab my keys. He insisted he drove because the apartment is a surprise. He drive downtown and pulls into a pretty nice apartment complex.

"It's on the third floor" Zack says and parks the car

I get out and walk over to Zack and intertwine our fingers.

"The landlord gave me the key for the day, I told him I wanted to show you it. He's a really nice guy." Zack says and leads me to an elevator

"I'm sure I'm going to love it." I say

The elevator stops, we get out Zack pulls me along down the long hallway.

"This is it, Apartment B14." Zack says and opens the door

When he opens it I'm pretty amazed.

It's way nicer than I expected.

When you walk in the first thing you see is the living room, that connects to a small dining room with a little table big enough for four.

Then you walk past the dining room and there's a pretty spacious kitchen.

"Wow." I say

Zack shows me the bedroom which would be our room. It's a decent size, not super big but not small either. It has a big window in the middle that has a great view of the city. 

Right across the hall is what would be Aydens room, It's pretty small but big enough for a 7 month old.

"This is amazing" I say and almost jump up and down

"You like it?" Zack asks with a smile

"I love it." I say

"My mom actually showed me this place."

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah, she's getting the apartment right down the hall."

That would be nice living close to his mom. I know how much Zack has missed her while she was away.

I've gotten to know his mom and she has her flaws, but she's an amazing grandmother. I'm so happy she was able to get the recovery she needed.

"When would we have to move in by?" I ask knowing that all places have a time limit or they give it to someone else

"Uh.." He scratches the back of his head "next week"

"Next week? That's really soon, I don't know if my dad will agree to that."

"I know, but maybe since my mom's moving in close by he'll be more accepting of the idea?"

"Yeah, maybe." I say with a sigh

I really don't think my dad will let me move out.

We drive home and I can't stop thinking about the apartment.

I'm really grateful for all that my dad has done for me but I really want to be on my own. I call my mom once I get back and tell her to come over.

I'll ask Both of my parents together, maybe it'll make things easier.

I sit both of my parents down on the couch and sit in the chair across from them.

"Okay, Ashley. What is this?" My dad asks

"I really need to talk to you guys." I say

"Oh, no" My mom says and covers her mouth

"What?" Me and my dad say in unison

"You're pregnant?" She asks, my dad gasps next to her and looks at me

"Oh dear god, no!"

They both sigh of relief

"Then what?" My mom asks getting impatient

"Well, okay. So Zacks mom is moving into the apartments downtown."

"Okay?" My dad says

I continue "And there's this apartment right down the hall from hers for rent and me and Zack really really want to move into it."

I have to catch my breath from talking so fast.

"No, Ashley." My dad says

"But why not?"

"You're to young."

"I'll be 18 soon enough." I say in annoyance

"I don't think it's a good idea" My dad says

"I think it's a great idea."My mom finally says


"The answer is still no!" My dad says

"Can you at least think about it?" I say "We have to let the landlord know by next week if we want it or not."

"I'll think about it." My dad says

"Thank you." I say

I walk out of the room feeling pretty good.I think maybe my mom will convince him to let me.

Even though my dad has been here since I had Ayden he really wasn't there my whole childhood so I don't see why he really cares if I move out.

I'll just give him a few days to think about it. I really hope this happens.

If he doesn't say yes I don't know what I'll do. 

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