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"It looks like you having a .. Boy!" Dr Wright says

My eyes light up. I know I wanted a girl but to hear her say I'm having a boy just made my heart skip a beat, Words can't explain how happy I am right now.

I look over at Zack and see his eyes filled with tears.

"A mini you." I say to him and he leans down and hugs the life out of me.

The doctor gives us pictures and tells me what to expect this month during my pregnancy, Our little baby boy is very healthy.

"I'm so happy it's a boy." Zack says as I drive away

"Me too, I really wanted a girl but I'm just so happy."

"I'm really happy." Zack says and squeezes my hand.

"Lets go buy our first outfit for him." I say and smile

We go to the mall and start shopping. I think I bought more than I should have. My dad really doesn't care if I spend money, I have my own debit card.

I bought him so many clothes and shoes, and some diapers and bottles. I really didn't buy anything big because I don't want my mom seeing it. I know she will eventually come around to the idea of her being a grandma.

As were leaving I bump into Beth and her little girl group.

"Watch where you're going." Beth says

"Sorry." I say and put my head down

They all laugh.

"Is this your little nerd boyfriend."

"Zack lets go." I say

I rush out of the mall as fast as I can, I honestly hate Beth. She can be so rude sometimes. I want to stand up to her, but I know it's really not worth it. She will always be like that towards me.

Zack P.o.v

Ashley dropped me off at home after spending all day together. It was such an amazing day, I can not believe I am going to be a father to a little boy. It's still very scary to think about, but I think we can do it.

Today is the day I'm going to tell my mom. I've put it off for way to long, she has the right to know. She's in a really good mood today so I guess it's best to tell her now.

"Mom can I talk to you for a minute." I say and sit down at the table

"Sure honey." She says

"I know your going to be really mad at me."

"Zack, just tell me."

"I got a girl pregnant.." I say and look away from her

"Oh my word.." my mom says in her southern accent.

She's from the south, but she moved her when she met my dad.

"I'm so sorry mom."

"Its going to be okay baby." She says and hugs me.

I was really not expecting it to go that well. My mom's mood can change from day to day. Good thing I told her on a good day.

I'm glad that's over with, now I can tell Mary that she's going to be an aunt.

"Hey Mary." I say to her while she coloring


"Guess what?"

"What?" She says and her eyes light up

"Your going to be an aunt."

"What does that mean?"

I laugh at her innocence "it means I'm having a baby."

"But you're a boy you can't be pregnant." She says in her little sassy tone

"Not me silly. My girlfriend." Well Shes not my girlfriend but Mary doesn't need to know that.

"Yay. I can't wait to meet her and the baby." She says and hugs me.

Wow, today was a really good day. I told my mom about the baby and I found out I'm having a boy. Things are really starting to fall in place, I hope things stay this way.

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