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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I feel good today, but damn that alarm is annoying.

I hop out of bed and do my normal morning routine. I take a shower then curl my long black hair. I then apply light makeup. I put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a hoodie. I still have to try to look cute, after all I am really popular at school. I don't want people to start talking about me if I show up at school in sweat pants, because I really want to right now.

I look at myself in the mirror, I look okay. My stomach has started to stick out a bit, it just looks like I'm bloated. I have such a small frame that I've started to show early. It's not really noticeable, I'm sure I'm the only one who can tell.

I look at myself one more time before I leave my room. As I walk down the steps I can smell that breakfast has already been cooked. Most people's parents would cook them breakfast when they wake up but not us, our maid cooks it.

I grab a plate and pile it high with food, god I'm hungry.

I practically shove the food down my throat.

"You okay Honey?" Isabelle asks

"Yes.. I'm fine" I say and wipe my face with a paper towel.

I hear a honk outside and I know that must be my ride. My best friend Maria always picks my up everyday for school. It's been our thing ever since she got her license.

"Hey girl. Someone's looking extra pretty today." She says as I get into her car.

"Well thank you." I say and flash her a small smile.

"Your checks are getting a little chubby though."

Wow, thanks.

I fake a laugh as best as I can. I haven't really put on any weight.

As soon as we get to school I rush out. I don't feel like talking to anyone now. Maria made me feel super self conscious. I'm not ready for people to find out about this.

"Hey Ashley." Some boy says to me as I walk past him.

"Uh hey." I say trying to remember why he looks so familiar.

"Its me Zack." He says with a sweet smile.

He's cute.

"Hi.. see you around." I say and hurry away from him.

It's not like I'm trying to be rude, I'm just not in the mood to talk to anyone right now.

He looks so familiar.. where is he from? I shrug the thought off and continue walking to my first period class. When I get to the door I feel the bile rising in my throat. Damnit, why does this have to happen right now?

I hurry up and run as fast as I can to the bathroom. Once I get in there I rush to the first stall I see and throw up all the breakfast I just ate.

"Are you okay?" I hear a male voice from outside of the stall.

I stand up to answer it and to my surprise I see Zack standing there.

"What are you doing in here?" I say to him. Should he even be in the girls bathroom?

"I saw you running down the hall, I just wanted to make sure your okay."

"I'm fine." I lie

"You don't remember me do you." He says and looks down.

"Am I supposed to?"

"I mean you did take my virginity and all." He awkwardly laughs, I can tell he's uncomfortable.

"Excuse me?" I say and start to cough


When he says that the thoughts all come rushing back into my mind. I remember who he is now. He's the guy I slept with at my party. Did I really have my head so far in the gutter I didn't remember him?

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, I've got to go." I say and walk past him.

Hey guys Shawn Mendes is who I see Zack as, just the way he looks.


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