The next week...
"Hey, mum!" Louis hopped into the kitchen. "Whatcha' cooking?"
"Bacon, eggs, like I normally do. You're up early, you don't need to be in for an other hour! What's up with you, you've been looking much chirpier these last few days..." She frowned curiously.
"Oh, nothing... just happy with life." He sat down at the table and waited for his breakfast. Two minutes later, his plate was filled with scrambled eggs and bacon, and then Louis wolfed it down. He got ready for Uni and watched Nigella until he left.
"Hey, Liam." For some strange reason, Louis gave Liam a hug.
"And what was that for?" Liam raised an eyebrow.
"Dunno. Let's goooo!" They left at a steady pace. As they walked, they talked about all sorts of different ideas for lyrics - they were going to start a group or a band, aiming for four members. Though they only had two, Liam had a lot of friends and a lot of them had musical talent. As they went through a shop car park, Louis spotted a familiar face - it was that curly-haired boy, walking he other direction to them. The boy put his phone in his pocket, and looked up, noticing Louis and Liam. Louis smiled, hoping Liam wouldn't notice he was part of the gang. The boy smiled back, showing his teeth again. Wow.
"Hey, Liam." Sofia walked over to Liam. She had long, curly brown hair and was half Italian - though she didn't sound it. "You coming to my party tonight?" She was one of Liam's many friends.
"Ah... me and Louis were planning on meeting up tonight."
"Really...?" Sofia sighed and drooped. Louis' head poked up out of a book, hearing his name being mentioned. "Well... I suppose you could bring him too. There's loads of room in the hall I've rented out."
"Oh, cool. You up for that, Louis?" Liam turned to Louis.
"Um... naah, you go ahead without me. I'll be fine."
"That's a yes. We'll be there." Liam smiled and Sofia walked up, with a big, cheesy grin on her face. Louis' eyes widened, and he poked Liam in the ribs.
"Why did you say that? I hate parties!" Louis gasped.
"Because you need to lighten up. You need friends, not just me, your mum and Nigella." Louis looked quite offended at this. He dropped it though.
"But I have no decent clothes."
"Then come back to mine after class. Borrow some of my clothes, my mum can do your hair (Liam's mum was a hairdresser) and you could even pick up a girl. I see some potential in that cute face of yours-" Liam was playfully pulling Louis' cheeks, but Louis pulled away, blushing.
"If I say yes, will you drop the matter?"
"Yup." Liam immediately replied. Louis sighed.
"WOO!" Liam cheered.
"But how will I let my mum know?"
"Ring her..."
"I don't have a mobile..." Louis admitted. Liam laughed.
"Oh yeah... use mine and text her."
Minutes after Louis texted her (with help from Liam), she replied saying it was fine but as long as he was back before 11.
"This?" Liam suggested, holding up a stripy shirt to Louis, and peering round the shirt to have a look. Louis didn't seem too impressed.
"Naah... not me." Louis moaned. After a number of fashionable shirts, t-shirts and more shirts, Louis agreed to a plain white shirt, with brown chinos. Liam still said there was something missing.
"Ahah! Suspenders." Liam pulled some out of a different draw and threw them at Louis. He attached them, and he looked great. Liam looked him up to down, then pointed at his hair. "Hair."
They trotted downstairs, towards the kitchen. Liam's mother pointed a welcome-hand towards the chair. Louis smiled, and let Liam's mother wrapped round one of those things that you get put over you when you get your hair cut - Louis always forgot (or didn't know) what they were called.
Snip snip, clatter, snip snip, spray spray, wooooooooooooo (sound of hair dryer), snip snip, brush brush, squirt squirt and...
"Have a look in the mirror darling." Liam's mother held a hand-mirror in front of him. To everyone's surprise, Louis was pleased. His hair was slightly layered at the sides, fringe swooshed to the right.
One last look in the mirror: check. He was ready for the party.
Liam's mother had dropped them off at the party hall. Liam entered first, Louis shortly behind him. Louis couldn't deny it - his heart was pounding. What if he wasn't accepted? What if he becomes even more of an outcast - a hate figure?!
"Relax, mate." Liam looked behind him as he could thoroughly tell his best mate was bricking it. Louis didn't respond.
"Hey Liam!" Sofia ran over to him and embraced him in a hug. They let go. "Who's this with you? Hang on... is that...?"
"Yup. That's Louis. That's Louis Tomlinsom." Liam smiled proudly at Sofia and his friend.
"Wow... you look so hot it's unreal... - sorry! Did I say that out loud? Eheheh... Come on in, guys! Have a great time! Booze are on the left, soft drinks and food on the right."
As Sofia pounced back into the hall, Liam straightened his blazer. "You ready?" He asked.
"Course - after that massive confidence boost, I'll be fine."
"Good. Let's go." They left the corridor after dumping their coats and walked into the main hall.
They hung around in the bottom left-hand corner of the hall, where Liam's friends were. After half an hour, Liam had drunk loads and Louis was bored loads.
"Are you alright?" Liam asked, still fully sober. He sure was experienced.
"Not really... bit bored."
"Have a drink." Liam suggested.
"I never have and I never will try alcohol. I'll get some orange juice." Louis scowled. Liam shrugged and started to flirt.
There was only one other person on the right side of the hall, and their back was turned to Louis. Their hood was up, also. Louis made for a half-full jug near him, and craned his neck whilst he poured it out. He made out dark brown, curly hair and that they were a boy. He was on his phone.
It was that boy again.
Good or Bad Influence? Larry Stylinson Fanfic
FanfictionLouis Tomlinson and Harry Styles start off on the wrong foot. But when they fall in love, they try to make it work. They form One Direction and this story follows day-to-day life. Side order of Ziall. Contains major major ultra smut.