Chapter 13

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Okay, so I made this chapter 90% smut, because I figured you guys would want some. But, if you aren't one for sexy scenes than you don't have to read because it hasn't got anything to do with the storyline! xx

That night, Louis persuaded his mum to let Harry stay the night. Anne had visited them during the day, and let Harry stay because she had a night-shift.

"I have popcorn and crisps." Louis announced in the front door, closing it behind him. Harry came down on his crotches and pounced on Louis, making his heart skip a beat. "Not now, you dummy! My mum's here!" He whispered.

"I've told her about us." Harry then shouted: "Haven't I, Jo?" This made Louis eyes widen. "I'm joking, she's gone out to rent us a DVD." He kissed Louis' nose. "You're face was priceless, though..."

"You scared me half to death." He kissed Harry back, then put him down.

After they finished dinner and Jo turned in, Harry and Louis went up to bed.

"You're not actually tired are you?" Louis asked, brushing his teeth.

"No, I was hoping we could cuddle all night." Harry said, also cleaning his gnashes.

"Sounds like a plan. Might be a bit awkward though, what with that-" He pointed to Harry's stomach. Harry spat out and rinsed his mouth.

"I'm sure we can work our way around that."

It was extremely awkward at first.

"I sleep with pyjamas on..." Louis confessed.

"I don't." Harry said bluntly.

"Okay, I won't either." Louis just stood there while he watched his boyfriend strip off for the first time. He was almost certain that Harry was going to pull off his tight, black boxers but then he noticed Louis staring and pulled them up.

"Cheeky." He winked at Louis. He clambered in to Louis' double bed. Louis then went bright red.

"Look away. Get under the covers."

"What? Why? I saw just as much of you earlier. Must admit, it was pretty hot-" Whilst Harry was talking, he felt Louis jump into the bed beside him and pull the covers up so only their heads were visible.

"How's this going to work, babe?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. How about we both move forward and see how it turns out?"

"Okay." But they didn't. Louis felt Harry hands glide down his side and stay on his waist; so Louis did the same. Harry started to pull him toward himself; so did Louis. Harry lifted his leg above so Louis could fit his own snuggly in between, their groins pressed into each other.

"Sorry, Haz, but I can't last like this all night, it's the most horrible tease.." They could both feel each other's bulges begin to stir.

"Well then we'll just have to sort it, babe." Harry nibbled on Louis' earlobe.


"Can I give you a blowjob?" The question came so suddenly Louis gasped.

"Harry, don't you think-"

"Louis, please! This is the perfect chance. We won't have this opportunity again for ages. Unless you want to wait."

"No, no."

"And it's not like you're gonna be worse off..." Harry insisted.

"...Okay, then. Do it, do what you like, baby." They pressed their lips together once more, before Harry ducked out off sight. Louis felt him kissing a trail down his chest and then licking his belly button, making Louis silently groan. Harry then continued his journey, hooking his fingers into the fabric of Louis' underwear when reaching it. He only pulled them down slightly, and kissed the shaved area above Louis' pride. Then he pulled the rest down, letting the cock made a splat on Louis' belly.

Like before, Harry inhaled the smell, making his own cock twitch. Then he felt a cold sweep over him as Louis removed the covers.

"Couldn't handle it anymore, need to see you."

"Turn the lamp on, babe." Harry instructed, so Louis flicked it on. Harry had never seen Louis' glory in the light before, and he sure wasn't disappointed when he did. He grabbed hold of the base, and slowly shifted his way to the head, gathering all of the precum with his thumb. He then slicked Louis' cock with his own juices before leaning forward, and kissing his way up to the top.

Harry started kitten-licking at the head, and Louis thought that was the most adorable thing. Then Harry decided to lick a long stripe up the underside of Louis' member, then when he got to the top he started to suck the head gently.

"I ain't gonna last long if you carry on like this, babe." Louis was clearly frustrated. Harry chuckled at the effect he had on Louis, and twirled his tongue around the head. "Please, I need more..." Louis begged.

"Sorry? What?" Harry sat up.

"Hazza, please!" Louis made a helpless look.

"Okay, Lou, I'm gonna make you feel amazing." And so he resumed the gentle suck on the head and slowly worked his way down. When he was past halfway he hollowed his cheeks, bobbed his head and circled his tongue.

"Ah... yeah, Harry." Louis got a hold on Harry's curls and followed his head. Harry was nearly at the base, fiddling around with Louis' balls at the same time. When Louis felt the tip of his cock touch the tip of Harry's throat he instinctively threw his hips forwards, making Harry gag slightly, tears pricking his eyes. "Sorry."

Harry hummed, partly to accept Louis' apology and part to make Louis feel good. He started humming again. "Yeah, Haz, keep doing tha-at.. I'm close!" Harry bobbed his head even more up and down and he could sense Louis' orgasm. Then, huge, long streaks of white juice sprayed all in Harry's mouth and in the back of his throat.

Harry swallowed Louis' residue and made his way back up to him. "Babe, hate to break it to you, but..." Harry pointed at his large, throbbing bulge in his underwear.

"I owe you this, don't I?" Louis admitted. Harry just nodded.

So Louis made his way down Harry's body, ignore the rather large gash, licking in and out of Harry's muscle. "Apologies if I don't do this right." And then he launched himself on to Harry's bulge, salivating on it and gently biting.

"Ah, babe, don't, just-" Harry was getting frustrated, too. But Louis was more remorseful, relieving Harry of the tight undergarments.

Harry was around the same size as Louis, slightly smaller.

"Babe, don't give me a blowjob today, I know you're not ready." He stroked Louis' cheek.

"I don't deserve you." So Louis firmly gripped Harry's cock and went up and down.

"Ugh.. yeah." Harry moaned. Louis encourage Harry's orgasm by, like Harry did, kissing the cock, the occasional lick being added. "You're so g-good... are you sure you haven't done this be-before?" Harry breathed out.

"Yes." Louis said firmly, spitting on Harry's member and speeding up. Soon enough, Harry said he was about to blow. "NO! I hadn't realised... you'll get it all over the sheets and... ew!"

"You'll just have to swallow it then babe..." Harry winked. But Louis didn't, he just aimed the cock at Harry's cute face, and let the hose spray it everywhere. It mostly landed on Harry's chest and Louis' fist, but a few streaks got on Harry's face. "Ughh yeah!"

"How do we get rid of it?"

"Tissue or tongue-" But before Harry could finish, Louis was licking up the excess on Harry's chest. Then, when he made sure it was all off the chest and fist, he pulled up the blanket and lay it over them. Then he kissed Harry's cheek, and started to lick off some that got on Harry's face. Then he switched the lamp off.

"Night, babe."

"Night, Lou."

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