Chapter 38

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Louis woke up. Looking around him, he realised he wasn't in an extraordinary position, he was just laying on Harry's chest. He starting smoothing it to wake his boyfriend up.

"Grhhhghhghhhh..." Harry moaned.

"Honey, wake up." Came Louis' sweet, soft yet slightly childlike voice. "Get to the beach before those Germans do."

"Beach?" Harry shot up as if he'd just won the lottery.

"Haha! Yeah, look." Louis pointed down the foot of the bed on the floor, where a yellow and black bag sat. It was unzipped, so Harry could quite clearly see beach equipment.

"You think of everything, don't you?"

"Yup. Let's go, we're meeting the others down there."


"An hour." Louis smiled sweetly.

"That's ages! ...can we have a... lie in? Cold shower?" Harry recalled the memory of the previous night, the pleasure Louis had gave him, and the desire, need and must that he wanted from no other person. Their bodies pressed up against the cold, hard shower tile walls, Louis pushing up against Harry, lips moving in perfect synchronisation. "ugh, yeah, last night was good." They had nearly had sex, but Harry stopped Louis.

"No! But yeah... thanks. So much, Harry, I would've regretted it this morning. I don't deserve you." Louis kissed his boyfriend's nose.

"I know. But let's make our way to the beach... we can get ahead on the sunning game." Harry winked.

And then Louis and Harry were walking the ten minute walk to the beach. Harry automatically held his boyfriend's hand, feeling the small, sweet, smooth fingers lock together with his own bigger, slightly rough ones.

"Are you sure? Is being gay legal in this country?" Louis frowned.

"Yeah, sure it is, otherwise the others would have said."

"You're right. Again. I packed your favourite shorts by the way. And your favourite sun cream." Louis held the bag up.

"I have a favourite sun cream?"

"Yeah. The spray is too cold for you, isn't it? And it went in your eye at one point."

"How do you know that?" Harry gasped.

"I listen to you. Ahh... playa del sol. See, I told you it would be busy, didn't I?" Louis tutted.

"Yeah, but it's only 11..."

Soon enough, they were sitting under the blazing heat of the sun on a purple beach towel. Louis was sitting between Harry's thighs, Harry rubbing his chest and back with cream.

"Thanks, Haz, it's a pain in the arse doing it on my own."

"'s'alright. Now do mine." But Louis turned ninety degrees so he was sitting across Harry's legs, and started to kiss him. Just harmless pecks, so express their love for each other. They were smiling sweetly, breathing lightly, hands in each other's hair. And then...

"Urgh, repagnante..." came a voice somewhere near them.

"Deberían avergonzarse!" Another one, much more abrupt this time. Harry thought he did something wrong because Louis had pulled back and gasped. Of course, he could speak a lot of Spanish, so it may of been something to do with the voices. But he had no time to ponder, because a shadow has descended upon them. He started to speak English, but in a heavy Spanish accent.

"You're not wanted'ere, no homos allowed." He pointed a stick at Louis.

"You fucking what?!" Harry shot up, Louis rolling off his lap, then getting up and clinging on to his shoulder, for protection.

"You 'eard." He responded, raising the stick again. Harry and Louis' jaws practically dropped down to their knees. Then Louis realised, when he tried to hold Harry's hand, that they were clenched together. He almost forgot, Harry had a massive temper on him. It didn't help when someone shouted 'Here 'ere'. Now a crowd had gathered, and Harry was looking down, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Harry, baby, don't rise up to it, we're just going to leave, okay? No trouble baby, we're not here to cause trouble." Louis whispered, and it seemed to work, for a while. But then the man with the stick walked up to Louis, shoved him off Harry's shoulder and squared up to him. Louis looked up in to his eyes, and felt ashamed. They seemed to say that it wasn't okay to be gay. Louis loved who he was. No one could tell him otherwise. "What?" Louis sneered.

"You talking about me. To 'im." His eyes were blazing. "Disgusting." He turned round to Harry, but he had enough. He swung his fist, but obviously the man saw it coming, as he ducked, the fist unable to stop in midair as it collided with-

Louis. He propelled backwards, collapsing in the ground, blood gushing out of his nose. He did the only thing he could at that moment; cry.

"Louis, Louis I'm so sorry." Harry collapsed down next to his boyfriend, who he nearly just knocked out. He watched as Louis' tears swam down his cheeks and on to his jawbone, as Harry realised that he did this. And then there were people behind him, laughing hysterically. And then there were three familiar boys, sounding off.

"Fuck off! You've done enough damage!" Niall was screaming at the crowd. Eventually, they all diffused, but only because they got bored. Now Zayn was standing over Harry and Louis.

"What happened?"

"I punched Louis by accident." Harry was now also crying, unable to work out what to do. He went to get up, but pulled back down by a slowly sobbing Louis.

"No, Haz, please, stay." He managed in between sniffs. But then he got his act together. "Someone pass me a tissue-" Zayn threw one at him "-ah, thanks." He wiped his nose, pulled himself away from Harry and laid down on the towel a metre in front of him as if nothing had happened. "Well, come on then, let's not waist the sun."

"Right...? Yeah..." Harry joined him on the towel next to it.

After around half an hour, Sofia turned up with bags of shopping. After taking the piss and all laughing about it, they all decided to go in the sea, behaving like kids. 'Somehow', Louis' hips ended up between Harry's thighs. "Louis, I'm so sorry, it was an accid-"

"It's fine, honey, it was an accident. That homophobe was winding you up. But, boy, you sure do pack a punch. Kiss me lightly."

And so Harry did.

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