Chapter 9

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Just a quick warning, this chapter does have a fair bit of smut, but I'm sure you won't mind...

"Hey Louis! Did you have a nice afternoon?" Louis' mother rushed to greet them.

"Yeah th-"

"Oh, you must be Harry!" Johannah gave him a hug. "Wow, you're a good looking boy. Louis, you never told me he was this fetching..." She smoothed out Harry's jacket.

Harry was grinning from ear to ear, but Louis was bright pink... "Mum..."

"Yes dear?"

"Do you have to be so-"

"Harry, I'm making macoroni cheese, is that okay?"

"Gee, thanks. It's my favourite." Harry replied. "You look nice tonight." He made her blush: Harry was a natural.

"I'll give you a call when it's ready."

"Thanks, mum." Louis walked out the kitchen, Harry in tow shortly afterwards. "I'll show you my room." Louis winked. He ran up the stairs, with Harry behind him, who had no choice but to stare at his boyfriend's ever-expanding rear as he trotted upstairs. Louis looked behind him when he reached the top. "Cheeky."

"It's kinda hard to miss."

Once in his room, Harry was taken aback. Opposite him at the far end of the room (around two and a half metres) stood a towering bookcase that brushed the roof. It was completely crammed with all sorts of books. Harry closed the door behind him and walked over to it unknowingly. The top shelf - a row dedicated to soaps, which he knew Louis adored. The second and third shelf - a series of old and new books about Drama. And then the bottom quarter...

...Nigella Lawson books.

"Oh my..." He said, reaching out and pulling out one of her cookbooks.

"Yes?" Louis' voice made Harry jump. He'd almost forgot he was there.

"I love Nigella Lawson." Harry turned round. Louis smiled.

"I think every gay guy does, love." He grabbed Harry's hand; Harry shoved it in his pocket, tight as it were. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... lovely room you've got here. You really do like drama, don't you." Harry tried to change the subject, as he looked around the room desperately, plonking himself down on the comfy double bed, which took up a whole space of the room. Louis sat next to him and put an arm on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Louis repeated. Pause.

"You called me gay." Harry came out with, leaning on Louis' chest, massaging his body with his hand.

"Yes... because you are." And then Harry shot up.

"That's just it Louis... I don't think I am!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. I mean. I don't know... it's just... it's just you! I've never felt this way about anyone before! I used to like girls - I still do! I love flirting with them... but at the same time... I want you!"

"Harry... look, sit down now." Louis grew firm. Harry did what he was told, liking this new side of him. "Now, I've never had a girlfriend or boyfriend before in my life, so when I came to the conclusion the other day that I was gay, I was pretty confused. Because it's normal. You've been grown up to believe girls are for boys, and boys are both south poles. You're bound to feel like this."

Harry smiled. "I don't deserve you." He gave Louis a nudge.

"Boys! Dinner!"

After dinner, Louis and Harry wanted some fresh air, so they went to the park in the fresh night chill, with Dudley and the gang at the back of their minds. They entered a kids park, and got comfy in the long, wide silver cylinder, with enough room for them both to sit up in.

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