Chapter 14

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Louis woke up. He was lying on his back, covers down to his waist. He wasn't cold though, because Harry's head was perched on his chest, his curls tickling Louis. His left hand was on Harry's shoulder, the other behind his head, and Harry's left leg was sprawled across Louis' groin area. He looked really comfortable; as did Louis. Louis moved the covers up so they were on Harry's shoulder, and Louis moved his hand and dug it into Harry's curls.

Harry then started to groan and shift around. Louis peered round. "Morning, sleepy-head."

Harry smiled. "Morning, my beautiful boy." He moved on top of Louis so their chests were pressed together, and faces inches apart. Harry kissed all over Louis face, and finally his lips.

"So what are you planning on doing, today?"

"I thought about it last night. It's a surprise. You don't mind if I bring round a couple of guys, later, do you?" Harry kissed Louis' neck in persuasion.

"Maybe. It depends who they are..."

"Like I said, it's a surprise! Now c'mon, get changed, before your mum catches us like this."

Louis moaned and groaned. "But I wanna stay like this aallllll day...!"

This made Harry giggle. "Me too. C'mon." He repeated. He got out of bed and got changed quickly, before throwing some clothes on Louis. "See you downstairs, lover boy." He winked before leaving Louis on his own.

"Morning, Louis."

"Hey, Lou." Louis' mother and Harry greeted him as he joined the breakfast table. He smiled at them both before snatching two pieces of toast and he began to butter them

"Nice sleep?" Jo asked.

"Fine. Great, actually." Louis wiggled his foot against Harry's leg under the table, making Harry breathe out.

"I'm going to ring some colleges, soon. See who wants me." Harry announced.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sure loads of colleges would be dying for a handsome, talented young man like yourself." Jo told him, rather flatteringly.

"Thanks, Jo." Harry replied, smirking at Louis, as if to say 'aren't I just?' "I need to make a few phone calls. Excuse me." He left the table. Jo raised an eyebrow at her son, and he just shrugged, not knowing what Harry was up to.

It was around 2pm when Louis was interrupted by Harry in his bedroom. "Sorry, Haz, I need to do this assignment." Louis didn't even look at Harry. He was sitting on his desk, writing faster than Harry could text, looking extremely bored.

"Oh, please, Lou. Can't it wait."

"No, sorry."

"But, I need to show you something." Harry pleaded.

"Show me here!" Louis fought back, but Harry put down his pen and seized his arm, making the older boy groan.

"This better be worth it." He gave in, making Harry smile. That smile that Louis goddamn fell for every time.

Harry led Louis downstairs, and when they were in the hallway Harry interlocked their fingers.

"Harry, let go! My mum might see us!"

"She's at the café, reading her new book." Harry assured him, and gave him a kiss. "Trust me." So he pulled Louis in to the kitchen, where three boys were sitting on a table. Two of them he didn't recognise, but the other one he knew straight away.

"Liam? What are you doing here?!" Louis gasped, letting go of Harry's hand.

"It's fine, Louis, I know about you and Harry. I'm fine with it." Liam told him. Louis shot a deathly glance at Harry, making Harry smile apologetically. Then Louis remembered what Harry told him: Trust me. So Louis grabbed hold of Harry's hand again, and they both took the two remaining seats on the table.

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