Chapter 5

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"Harry, wait! Wait!" Louis called after him. Harry wouldn't slow down or turn round. Louis caught up to him and turned him round by his shoulder.

"I'm... sorry, Lou. Go and have a great time without me."

"No, I can't. Thanks to you, I've had a great night. I've never felt so alive before... let's go back inside and show 'em what that you don't give a shit." He patted Harry's back. Harry smiled, as Louis brushed him down.

"Thanks, Lou. I can call you Lou, can't I?"

"Yeah sure. About before..." Louis started.

"We nearly kissed."


"Do you regret that?" Harry looked up hopefully.

"... what would you do if I said no?"

"I'd be pleased." Harry leaned in; Louis pulled back. "What?"

"I... don't believe in kissing before dating..." Louis confessed. "Though I am tempted."

Harry chuckled. "Awh, that is honestly adorable. Let's go inside." They had their arms round each other's waists.

After another four hours of hard partying, Louis and Harry left. Seeing as they lived 18 houses away from each other, they could walk home together. It was a very awkward silence, as they'd just come from an extremely loud environment. Then, out of the blue, Harry put his hand of Louis shoulder, then snaked his way down. When he got down to Louis' wrist, he started to spread out his fingers, and turned his hand around so their palms were facing each other. Harry interlocked their fingers.

"This feels perfect." He announced.

Louis had never experienced this before. This was tingling his whole body, and he could feel an erection coming on. Thank god it was dark, so Harry wouldn't notice.

They got to their street and stood outside Louis' house for a moment. Then, Harry offered out his hands and embraced Louis in a hug. Harry gave Louis a slip of paper, and said:

"Call me, so we can go on our first date tomorrow."

"Okay. Night, Harry."

Louis couldn't sleep that night. He was too ecstatic - yet it felt peculiar. He'd never even considered dating a girl, let alone a guy. Mind you, he wasn't just any guy. Harry's special, in Louis' eyes. He had beautiful curls, bright emerald eyes and one amazing jawline.

He figured this was why he had never had a girlfriend. He'd never looked at a girl before in that way, and now his feelings for Harry explained everything.

Sitting up in bed, he realised he didn't even have a phone - how was he going to be able to arrange a date with Harry now?

Ah yes, the landline.

The next day went by slowly. He was waiting for his mother to go out and do the shopping, so Louis could have a private call with Harry. Finally, she left.

Louis hurriedly raced downstairs and picked up the phone. He dialled Harry's number, which was stashed away in his pocket. The call went through immediately.

"Hello?" Came the croaky, deep voice of Harry.

"Hi Harry, it's Louis. How's you?"

"Feeling like crap after last night. Hangover from hell. Ha, you must be worse." Harry chuckled.

"actually, I feel as right as rain. No headache at all." There was a brief pause.

"Look... are you sure about tonight? You were pretty out of it last night and I hope you aren't having any regrets..."

"Of course not!" Came the immediate response.

"Great. So 6:30 at the woolly?"

"The woolly?"

"The pub down the road from us... oh, forget it. I'll pick you up at 6." The line was cut of. Louis stood there, smiling. His first date.

Good or Bad Influence? Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now