Louis was inside the bathroom, fully clothed, sitting down against the locked door. He could feel the presence of Harry, somehow... and he was right. Harry was sitting on the other side.
"Louis, I didn't mean to rush you in to anything. I just... I wanted to make you feel good." No answer from Louis came. "I'm sorry. It's been such a great day, let's just go into the living room and watch TV or something... yeah? We can cuddle up on the sofa, feed each other crisps, and you can play with my hair, I know you like that. And if you want to wait ten years for our first time, then I'll wait, because the last thing I want is for you to feel rushed. If I've ruined things, then I just want you to know that I'll... I'll always love you."
Louis reckoned Harry was crying, because of the way his voice choked up at the end. He needed to say something. "You know we forgot to go to the pub and do our gig tonight."
"Oh, shit. I'll tell the others when they get back."
And then an awkward silence. But then Harry heard a cluttering, clanging sound, which he unmistakably recognised as a door being unlocked. He got up and faced the door, in the near pitch black. The only light was coming from the floor lamp and the end from the hallway, so when Louis opened their door they could only just make out each other's faces. But that didn't matter, because now Louis was pulling Harry in to a tight hug, the one that said 'I'm sorry' and 'I forgive you' at the same time. Harry then closed his eyes, giving in to temptation, and wrapped himself around Louis. Louis in turn took in a bunch of chocolate and hazelnut curls.
"Get some crisps, then." Louis eventually whispered in Harry's ear.
"Why is it so dark in here?"
"Do you think Louis and Harry are in here-"
"Shit! Liam, we forgot about the gig!"
"Shhhhh! They might be asleep." Liam hushed the other two boys. "And by the way, they had a kitchen inspection tonight, so we didn't have to go."
Zayn, Niall and Liam descended in to the living room, and flicked on the floor lamp. There, in the dim light, they saw a figure on the sofa. Zayn saw Liam bend over and put his ear to it.
"It's Louis and Harry. They're asleep." He concluded.
"Awwwh! That's so cute... why can't we ever do something like that?" Niall turned to Zayn, but Liam took over.
"Shit, it's 2 in the morning. Mum'll be asleep by now."
"It's fine, use the spare bed, seeing as it's free for the night." Zayn told him. "C'mon babe, let's catch some sleep."
In the days leading up to the next round of BOB (Battle Of the Bands), Louis and Harry were starting to spend a little too much time together.
"Pass me the TV remote." Harry asked his boyfriend. Louis' head was stuck in a Harry Potter book.
"Get it yourself, it's closer to you."
"No it's not."
"I don't care, you want to use it so you get it." Louis grew annoyed.
"You know, you can be really stubborn sometimes." And with that remark, Louis slammed the book shut, and because it was the Order of the Pheonix, it made Harry jump with the sound. Louis got up and left in a huff. "That's right, walk away." Harry called after him. Then Louis came rushing back in, picked up the TV remote and threw it at Harry, landing on his arm with a crack. "Ow!"
Later that afternoon, Harry was busy making the dinner that Louis promised to have with him. When he went to get Louis, Louis claimed he was too busy with homework.

Good or Bad Influence? Larry Stylinson Fanfic
أدب الهواةLouis Tomlinson and Harry Styles start off on the wrong foot. But when they fall in love, they try to make it work. They form One Direction and this story follows day-to-day life. Side order of Ziall. Contains major major ultra smut.