Chapter 27

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Louis dragged Harry in to the boy's toilets, and locked them both in a cubicle. Harry plonked himself down on the closed toilet seat, while Louis blocked the door, making sure Harry won't get out. Then he bent down, looking up in to Harry's green eyes.

"You don't mean this. You're not thinking straight." he told him.

"I... I do, Louis. You haven't even denied it." Harry looked down at his feet.

"That's because it's preposterous! I don't 'love' Zayn, I love you!" He grabbed Harry's hand and held it in his palms, clasping his fingers round it.

"How do I know that?"

"Because you trust me. Because you love me, too." But then Harry shook his head. "Yes you do. I know you love me, Harry. You said it yourself in the car!" Louis started to plea with his eyes, which were now emitting streams of tears desperately, literally on his knees.

"So what if I do? It doesn't change the fact that... that..."

"That what?!" Louis demanded. Then Harry made eye contact for the first time.

"That I don't trust you." He barged his way past Louis, unlocked the cubicle door and left.

The others could tell something was wrong, especially when Harry sat next to Liam and Louis sat next to Niall, opposite ends. Niall nudged Louis. "What's wrong, mate?"

"Harry dumped me." Louis said emptily.

"No way! Why?" Niall gasped. Louis felt he had nothing to lose, so he just came out with it.

"Because apparently I 'love' your boyfriend." But even jealous Niall knew Harry was overreacting.

"That's bollocks, mate, you love Harry!"

"I know. I do more than anything, but he says he doesn't trust me." Louis shook his head as fresh tears came through.

Soon enough, though, it was round two time. They all sat down on the chairs, Louis and Harry opposite ends, and Louis tried to blank out what just happened. He tried thinking about the positives in life: his mother had accepted him for being gay; he had two new best friends; he was in a band and he was a drama student in a college-like University (you don't stay there, you just get lectured).

But when Liam and Zayn sang their parts, whilst Louis softly played along on his saxophone (along with Zayn and Niall), Louis was up. He couldn't do it. He knew he couldn't. But he had to try. "You can't go to bed, without a cup of tea, and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep. And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep, though it makes no sense to me." he went a bit flat at the end, but only to allow the oh-so familiar salty beads of water trickle down his cheeks. He knew he'd embarrassed himself in front of the same three judges as before, and he had ruined it for his band.

And Harry.

Who, speaking of which, had taken over from Louis, saving him from his embarrassment, knowing that his boyf- ex-boyfriend was in trouble. It was a habit of his. And the same emotion Louis had felt when he was singing felt its way up to Harry's eyes, but he had practice of this. He couldn't cry, not now. So he tilted his head up slightly, letting the tears balance on his eyes, until they quickly evaporated, disappeared, or sunken back in - Harry didn't know which.

When it was all done, Harry and Louis were surprised to get a standing ovation from the judges, whereas Zayn, Liam and Niall pulled them all in to a tight group hug. Awkwardly, because Harry and Louis were at the ends, they had to join up the gap, so their arms were round each other once more. Louis realised this would probably be the closest thing to a hug he'll ever get from Harry again. But as they departed, Louis quickly whispered in Harry's ear: 'I love you, baby'.

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