Chapter 18

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"Right, so you're all done and dusted." Liam's mum had styled all their hair - except for Harry's, whom Liam's mum didn't think needed anything.

"Thanks, mum, you're a life saver."

"No problem, dear, good luck for tonight all of you."

"Thanks!" They all called, leaving Liam's house for Louis'. On the way over, they talked about the gig, which was commencing in 2 hours.

"So we've got cheesey, pop, rock, 80s and disco. What more can people want?" Louis pointed out.

"Wow, when you put it like that we're quite versatile." Answered Zayn.

"Hey guys, do you think my mum suspects anything? 'Cause me and Harry fell asleep in each other's arms, and we woke up sharing the same blanket. Did you guys put them out?"

"Nope." They all said.

"The same happened to me and Zayn." Niall said.

"Maybe we should talk to her..." Harry wondered.

"About what?" asked Louis.

"Well maybe we should tell her about us... she seems understanding enough." Harry interlocked his and Louis' fingers.

"I think we should make up an excuse first..."

"Yeah, Louis' right. You've only been together for a short while." Niall pointed out.

"Okay." Harry slightly smiled. Only Louis noticed that he seemed dejected. He handed Liam a key.

"You guys go ahead. I need to talk to Harry for a sec."

The others left, leaving Louis and Harry on their own. Louis brought Harry behind the same tall bush as the other day.

"What?" Harry questioned.

"I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's wrong."




"Well I don't believe you." Louis pestered.

"That's your problem, then." Harry walked off towards Louis' house in a hurry.

"Just- wait! Harry, wait!" Louis hurried after him but it was no use. "You know what," he started angrily, making Harry stop. Louis faced his boyfriend off, jabbing his finger in Harry's chest. "The problem with you is that you never tell me anything. It's like you don't trust me or something." Louis looked at Harry for a moment. "Oh, you know what, forget it. Forget it." It was now Louis who was stropping off.

Unfortunately for Louis, Harry was quick to catch up. He grabbed his hand and turned him round, only just having the courage to look into Louis' eyes. It was that angry glare that said 'I wouldn't if I were you'.

"Look, I'm... I'm sorry."

Louis folded his arms, his muscle bulging. "Go on."

But Harry was looking at Louis' arms, until he felt a hand push his head up. "Go on!" Louis repeated in a harsher tone.

"Lou, don't be like this! I hate arguing with you. It's all we seem to do now, fighting, making up, fighting, making up. I'm getting tired of it."

Louis was nervously scratching the back of his head. "Are you... tired of me?"

"No, no, I'm not saying that."

"Okay." Louis looked up into those green eyes, and Harry smiled. "I... I think I l-"

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