Chapter 29

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Hey, guys! If you're sensitive, I apologise. I wanted to tackle something challenging. Who knows, this chapter may change someone's life. Keep R&R, as always. Love you xx

Harry had cleaned himself up, whilst Louis washed his hands. "Harry, you need to see a doctor!"

"I'm fine, it's happened before!"

"What?! It's happened before? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because it's no big deal." Harry shrugged, flopping on the couch.

"No big deal? No big deal? Harry, I hate to scare you, but - this could be serious..." Louis said gravely.

"Oh yeah? How serious, babe?" Harry chuckled.

"Harry, you might have inflammation in your prostate - that's where your semen's made!"

"But we can't have babies -"

"You might have a testicle infection!" Louis warned, and Harry began to listen. "Honey, I hate to use the 'c' word, but-"

"Okay, I'll go. Let's go now." Harry got up, not wanting to hear the word.

"We haven't made an appointment!" Louis raised an eyebrow.

"I don't care. This is urgent, we need to go."

Thankfully, the practice was only down the road, enough time for Louis and Harry to talk about things. "It's probably nothing, Haz. It usually goes away by itself."

"Thanks. But, how do you know so much?"

"Well, I did do biology A-level." Louis grabbed Harry's hand instinctively and interlocked the fingers. "I know my stuff." He winked. "And don't worry, I'm going to be with you every step of the way."

"Th-thanks." Louis could feel Harry shaking.

"Stop." Louis stopped, so Harry did too. Louis pulled him in to a hug - a tight one, because he knew Harry loved them. "I love you, okay. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. I would never lie to you, either - so believe me when I say this - it is highly, highly unlikely that you have-" Harry coughed. "yeah, so everything will most likely be alright." Louis kissed him on the lips, earning a few tuts and looks from onlookers. "Let's go inside, eh?"

"Hey, we need to see my GP." Harry said.

"Do you have an appointment?" The stiff, stuck-up old lady said, frowning at Louis' and Harry's hands.

"Urm, not exactly-"

"Then it will have to wait."

"N-no, it can't." Harry said. The receptionist frowned at them once more, and removed her glasses.

"Why? What's wrong with you?"

"I, ur- I..."

"Well then, book an appointment or leave-"

"Listen, lady, we really need to see the doctor. It's urgent, and quite a big deal embarrassing, so if you wouldn't mind-" Louis started, but interrupted by an incredibly handsome, tanned looking man who just walked in to the waiting room.

"Something the matter? - oh, Harry, hey! Long time no see. Come through, we have loads to catch up on" -then he saw the expression on the old lady's face- "urm, I mean, follow me, then take a seat."

So they did just that. "How're you doing, Hazza?" the doctor asked- Doctor Carter, it said. Louis nearly walked out - only he could call Harry 'Hazza' or 'Haz'.

"Fine, fine. You?"

"Oh, yeah, same old. Why're you here?"

"Urm..." Harry realised the awkwardness of the situation. "We, I mean, I - urm..."

"Are you two a couple?" Dr Carter asked. Louis nodded. "Did something happen whilst you were engaging in sexual activity?" Louis nodded again. Harry could hardly believe his ears - how did he know? Oh, they were holding hands. The doctor laughed really, really loudly and over the top at Harry's face - then stopped. "Oh, Harry, the amount of people who come in here every day with the same problem. What happened then?"

"Well, I was erm... doing something to Harry..." Louis didn't know how else to put it.

"You were masturbating him, I assume?" Harry turned bright red as he covered his face.

"Yes. Then he- he ejaculated blood." Louis came out with. Harry realised this couldn't be much better for Louis, so he looked up, nodded and snuggled closer to Louis in affection.

"Okay. Obviously, we'll have to run some tests. Most of the time, there's nothing to worry about, you see." But then he turned his voice deadly serious. "But, in some cases, this has been a factor or sign of testicular, prostate or bladder cancer. I don't mean to worry you, but I need to be honest with you."

Louis and Harry both felt like crying at the mention of the word. "Okay." Louis managed.

"Also, Harry didn't ejaculate blood. There was just blood in his semen. This is called hematospermia, and it affects around 40% of men. Here you are, Harry," the doctor handed Harry a medium-sized test tube. "Either urinate or ejaculate in that. You could do it here, if you like - obviously in the toilets - and only the urinating part."

Louis waited outside the cubicle whilst Harry did his business. Then he heard Harry sob. "Oh, Harry, please don't. You'll set me off. Are you all done?" Louis consoled. Then Harry stepped out, looking like death.

"I feel sick. D'you know what it's like having that word hanging over your head?"

"C'mon. Let's give the doctor the sample of your's, eh?" Louis rubbed his elbow and left with Harry in tow. "We'll see you soon, then." Louis said, after Harry gave the doctor the test tube.

"Woah, woah, woah. Wait here, I'll look under my microscope. Do you honestly think the NHS have time to deal with every single one of these? No, I'll check a small sample under my microscope and if the bacteria or red blood cells look oddly shaped or colonised, then I will send it off for further examination. But first I must ask: how long has this actually been going on for?"

"A long while...a few months, maybe."

"That's not true... it didn't happen the first time I-"

"No, it doesn't happen every time, Lou." Harry interrupted, saving Louis from spilling their secrets. "It happens like, three, four times a week. Always when I piss though" -Louis nudged Harry at the swear word use- "because I can't say it's happened before today in my cum."

"No, no it is usually more common in the urine." The doctor replied, checking out a sample of Harry's pee under the microscope. "Ah, I can see clearly, now." Louis and Harry looked at each other hopefully. "Yep." He withdrew, looking at the couple. "There's nothing unusual here. I would say it's just a prostate infection, or maybe one of your testicles has inflammatorised. Nothing to worry about, it should stop itself. If it doesn't in a few months, though, come and see me again." He grinned toothily.

"Thanks, doc!" Harry and Louis said at the same time, then left. On the way home, Harry turned round to Louis and picked him up in the middle of the street. "YES! IT'S DONE, LOU, I'M FINE!" He cried, as Louis wrapped his legs round Harry's hips and flung his arms round his neck.

"I'm so proud of you, Haz, you must have had so much courage."

"It's all thanks to you, babe!" Harry spun round.

"AHHH, Harry! I hate spinning!"

"GOOD!" But then Harry put Louis down. "In all seriousness, though, I couldn't of done it without you. You gave me the courage to go ahead. I love you for this, you know. C'mon, let's eat those noodles. I'm starving!" Harry walked over to the door, but only to be pulled back by Louis.

"Come here, you sexy beast." And so for the first time, Louis kissed Harry in public, but immediately deepening the kiss. He leaned back on the spiked gate as Harry put a hand behind his neck and licked his way in, the other hand on the small of Louis' back. The occasionally let go and moved their heads to the right, or to the left.

"Harry?" Harry's mother, Anne, dropped her shopping a few feet away.

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