Chapter One: The Disappearance Of (Y/N) (L/N)

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(Y/n)'s life wasn't great.

She lived with her mother, as her father was imprisoned for theft. Her mother was an alcoholic. She would constantly leave for multiple days at a time, only to come back completely drunk.

So (Y/n) was all alone. The only thing that held her life together was music. She was different. She couldn't only hear the music, but she could feel it. She could feel the emotions put into it. She could feel the song.

Every time she sung, she was happy. Every time she played the piano, she was happy. Music was like a glue, keeping all her broken pieces together.

She wasn't exactly fixed, but not exactly broken.
Your POV:
I was walking back from school. It was cold outside. Winter was slowly turning into spring, and when I say slowly, I mean slowly. There was little frost, and the sun was visible, but the air had a cold bite to it.

I couldn't wait to get home. My mum had been gone for a couple of days now, so she'll probably still be gone. No one will be around to hear my voice, or shout at me for playing my piano too loud. Good.

I stepped through the front door, kicking off my shoes and putting down my bag. I immediately walked to my room to play my beloved instrument. I had no homework, which meant as long as I wanted to play my piano, sing and listen to music.

My room was lined with music scores pinned to my walls and posters. I had posters of bands, such as (Favourite band) and posters of anime and the like. My favourite was my poster of Kagamine Len.

I sat down at my stool and warmed up my voice, pressing various keys and harmonising with it. After a little while I began to play a song. Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. It was relatively simple. It was a sad song, yet refreshing to play. After that, I turned on my phone, looking for a certain song. I smiled, clicking it and placing my fingers on the keys. I began to play one of the harder songs I know.

The Disappearance Of Hatsune Miku.

I was giving it my all, and enjoying every second.

All of a sudden, everything went white and I passed out.
Len's POV:
The house is pretty quiet for once. Miku and Luka are cooking. Kaito's sleeping. Meiko and Rin are out shopping. And here I am, eating a banana.

We were told were gonna meet someone new today. Apparently it's a new vocaloid! I'm excited. If it's a guy, we could play video games together! I guess I wouldn't mind if it's a girl, but girls are all about shopping and make up. Ew.

Len's POV:

Everyone's back now. We're all in the kitchen, waiting for this new vocaloid to arrive.

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. We all jumped, and I stood up to open it. I placed my hand on the door handle and pushed open the door.

In front of me stood a beautiful girl. She had gorgeous, shiny, (H/l) (H/c) hair. Her eyes we're bright (E/c). She wore an outfit similar to Miku. Her shirt was white and (F/c), with a black and (F/c) skirt. She had long black gloves that reached to her elbows and stopped just over her hand (kind of like Kuroha's from Brynhidlr In The Darkness if you've seen it) and she had knee high black boots. She also wore a (F/c) tie with black pins.

I was quite stunned. She really was beautiful.

"W-Welcome!" I stuttered. She smiled at my shyly.

"H-Hi! I'm (Y/n) (L/n), the new vocaloid"

Hi! We decided to let Sophie take over the Danfic, and I'm gonna write this one! My vocaloid obsession is getting out of control.
-Rhyme xx

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