Chapter Three

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Third Person POV:
It was yet another dull day. Everyone had gone out to the recording studio to record some music, but (Y/n) and Len were told to stay home and watch the house.

Len had been playing video games, eating bananas and listening to music all morning. He was bored out of his mind, and it was only 11:30 am! So he went to find (Y/n).

Your POV:
I was really bored. Everyone was out, so I decided to explore the house. I walked past everyone's rooms. It was hilarious how obvious it was whose room was whose. Miku's was turquoise with leeks all over it. Kaito's was blue and had ice cream and rainbows on it. Rin's was yellow with oranges all over it, Len's was orange with bananas all over it. You can guess the rest.

I was walking downstairs along the corridor, when I found another door leading downstairs to a basement. I cautiously walked down them, only to find the best thing ever.

The room was full of instruments. There were guitars, bass guitars, cellos, violins, flutes, drums, and the best thing was a giant grand piano in the middle of the room.

I squealed happily and ran up to it, sitting down.  My hands eagerly traced the keys, and I began to play one of my favourite songs; Unravel.

Len's POV:
I was walked along the corridor to (Y/n)'s room. Her door was (F/c) with music notes all over it, a large treble clef in the centre and her name in the middle.

I knocked on the door, but there was no reply. I tried again but to no avail. I gave up and searched elsewhere.

I walked down the stairs towards the living room when I heard something. I heard someone squeal and then footsteps. I realised the basement door was open. I walked towards it and down the stairs.

There, on the piano, was (Y/n). Her back faced me and I leant against the wall. She began playing the piano and singing.

"Oshiete, oshiete yo, sono shikumi wo..." She sang. My jaw dropped. Firstly, this is one of my favourite songs. Secondly, her voice is absolutely gorgeous. It's so clear, perfectly in key. She carried on playing.

"Boku no naka ni, dare ga iru no... Kowareta, kowareta yo, kono sekai de... Kimi ga warau, nani mo mie zu ni." She began to play the instrumental part (idk what it's called) and I slowly walked behind her. When it finished, I began to sing with her. She jumped slightly as I sat down beside her on the stool. I looked over at her and she was bright red. I smirked and put my head on her shoulder, making her blush even more. She eventually closed her eyes and carried on.

Eventually, the song began to come to an end.

"Oshiete..." I sang. She looked at me and smiled. "Oshiete..." She echoed.

"Boku no naka ni, dare ga iru no." We finished together. I clapped and hugged her. She turned bright red.

"(Y/n)-chan, your voice is amazing!" I shouted.

"T-Thank you Len!" She replied, getting out of my grasp. She was still blushing as red as a tomato.

"(Y/n)-chan, your blushing a lot. Are you okay?" I asked, a smirk planted on my face.

She looked me dead in the eyes. She then stood up, bent down and kissed me softly on the cheek. My entire face exploded in colour.

(Y/n) smirked. "I'm fine, I'm not so sure about you though, Len-kun~" she walked away and up the stairs, leaving me holding my cheek, staring after her.

"Damn (Y/n)..." I whispered. "You really don't know how hard I've fallen for you."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
-Rhyme xxx

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