Chapter Two

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The next morning...

Your POV:
I woke up to someone shaking me. Opening my eyes, I saw Rin hovering over me. I yelped and moved away quickly, leaving Rin dying with laughter.

"G-Good morning Rin-chan!" I said, giggling slightly.
"Morning (Y/n)!" She said happily, "Breakfast is almost ready! Get dressed and come downstairs!" She walked out of the room, most likely to get dressed herself.

I stood up and got dressed, putting on some fluffy knee high socks instead of my boots, and walked downstairs.

Downstairs, Luka and Gumi were making pancakes, Miku was talking to them, Meiko was drinking and Kaito was eating ice cream. How can she drink when it's only 8:30 am? And Kaito really shouldn't eat ice cream before breakfast. I thought. Rin was sat with her head on the table, napping and Gakupo was using his hair as a moustache. Len still hadn't come downstairs. I blushed lightly at the thought of him. Shaking my head, I sat down beside Rin.

As the pancakes were being placed on the table, Len walked in. He smiled brightly. "Good morning!~" he yelled, awakening Rin from her slumber and making her fall off her chair.

I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone was silent, staring at me. I slowly calmed down, wiping away tears from my eyes.
I realised that everyone was staring at me.

"W-What??" I asked nervously. Rin squealed and hugged me tight.

"(Y/n)-chan!!!!! Your laugh is so cute!!!!!" She squealed. I blushed deeply, looking away, only to make eye contact with Len. He blushed lightly, staring for a second before looking away quickly. I blushed even more.

"Rin, calm down or you won't get any pancakes." Luka said, giggling slightly. Rin immediately let go of me and we all ate.

Time skip xxxxxx

Your POV:
Everyone was busy. Miku and Luka were cleaning. Meiko, Kaito and Gakupo had gone out to get food and stuff (Meiko had gone to get more alcohol). Rin and Gumi were singing. I didn't know what Len was doing. Probably playing video games. I'm just sat in my room listening to music.

A knock at the door disturbed me. I jumped off my bed and opened it. There stood Len, blushing slightly but smiling at me brightly. I looked up at him and smiled back.

"Hey (Y/n)-chan, I was wondering... Since everyone else is busy, do you wanna, um, you know, play some video games with me? I-I mean if you don't want to you don't have to-" I cut him off. "Of course I'd like to!" He grinned and took my hand, pulling me to his room.

Game time!

Your POV:

After a while, Len and I decided to play Mario Kart. We had loads of snacks too. Len keeps them in his draw. He also has a load of bananas. I don't know what that's all about.

We started playing the game. It was really intense! Len pulled ahead, laughing loudly, leaving me behind him shouting angrily.

Eventually, we were in the final lap. I was second. Len was first. And I had a blue shell. And I used it.

"(Y/N)!!!! NOOO!!!!! OH MY GOD!" Len shouted as I crossed the finish line, leaving him second place. I laughed victoriously as he glared at me.

Before I knew what was going on, I was tackled to the floor and tickled.

"L-Len!! S-Stop it!!" I laughed. I was definitely comfortable around him. I was still shy around everyone else, except maybe Rin. 

Eventually he stopped tickling me, leaving me laying on the floor a blushing, panting mess. Len took one look at me and blushed furiously, looking away and apologising. I laughed, sitting up.

"Ready for round two (Y/n)? This time I definitely won't lose!" He yelled. I nodded my head with a devious smirk on my face.

Time skip to like 11 pm
Your POV:

Today's been good. Len and I played about 30 more rounds. He won in the end though, much to my dismay. As his prize, he said I have to perform a song with him. But luckily, I get to pick the song.

I don't know what this weird feeling is. It's a weird fluttery feeling in my chest whenever Len comes to mind, which is a lot!

I have to stop thinking about him and get some sleep. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Len's POV:

So I can't sleep. (Y/n) is still on my mind. I don't understand it. I've only known her for a day and I think I'm falling for her. I just can't stop thinking about her.

What is this girl doing to me?

HOLA! I hope you liked this chapter! Also!!  I don't really have a specific schedule for updating this book, I'll probably just update when I get motivation :D

-Rhyme xxx

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