Chapter Five

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Your POV

After the cover Len and I did of Unravel, loads of the Vocaloid fans have been wanting us to do another song. So, eventually, we decided to do "Purple Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder", one of my favourites!

Len and I were sat in the basement. I was warming up my voice and practicing playing the piano, and Len was also singing. We used Rolling Girl to practice.

A while later, we actually begun practising the song itself.

We decided to sing the song together, rather than taking it in turns to sing different parts, as our voices sound really nice together. I guess the (Y/n) x Len fangirls will be happy with us both singing the rather lovey dovey lyrics together as well.

After that, we decided to learn the dance. And it did not go well.

Len already knew it off by heart, as he had practised and performed it many times before. I, however, cannot dance.
I was stumbling over my feet, completely out of time with the music, falling about. It was awful. I'm definitely not Darcey Bussell.

We started again, and I was getting the hang of it! I managed to do the steps perfectly for the first couple of lines! But then, I slipped.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. But none came. I slowly opened my eyes, and realised what'd happened. Len had caught me as I fell, and was blushing like crazy. He had one arm around my waist, his free hand holding mine tightly, fingers interlocked. I turned deep red, and stood up straight.

"S-Sorry Len-kun..." I said, my face still bright red. He smiled at me brightly.

"It's okay (Y/n)-chan! Let's just practise that again." He replied.

Len's POV

I almost lost all of my self control then. She just looked so irresistible. I don't think next time, if there is a next time, I'll be able to stop myself.

We practised the dance a couple more times, and (Y/n) finally got the hang of it. We decided it would be a good idea to finally sing it with the music. Instead of singing it with the normal music,
(Y/n) is going to play the piano and we'll sing over that.

We begun to practise. We were doing quite well, until near the end. This is a new song for (Y/n), and there was a part she couldn't quite get right. In this arrangement for the piano, there's a glissando (It's that thing when the pianist like, slides there hand down all the keys to the bottom, if you get what I mean) but that's one thing she struggles with.

We tried again. Same struggle.



And again.

No luck.

I looked over towards (Y/n), and she was about to cry. Her beautiful, shiny, (E/c) eyes were watering, shiny tears began streaming down her face.

"I-I can't do it..." She whimpered. "You should just do this song with Miku, or Rin..." She raised her hand to wipe away her tears.

"(Y/n), it's fine! You just need to keep trying! And anyway, I want to do this song with you, not Rin or Miku!"

She hung her head down and began to stand up to leave. And I made the fatal mistake of trying to follow her.

It happened in slow motion. I stood up all too quickly, walking forwards before I'd gained my balance and I lost my footing.

I slipped and fell, reaching my arms out   in front of myself. When I opened my eyes again, I was staring into the most beautiful (E/c) eyes. I then realised. I had landed on top of (Y/n).

She looked beautiful. Her (h/l), (h/c) hair was spread out on the floor, her eyes twinkling and shining with tears, her cheeks dusted with pink.

I picked myself up off of (Y/n) slightly, so I wasn't crushing her. I stared into her eyes. And then, I snapped. I leant forwards, crashing my lips onto hers passionately. She was unmoving for a few seconds, but then slowly kissed back, reaching up to pull me closer, brushing her fingers through my hair, taking it out of its ponytail in the progress. The kiss ended all too soon, leaving us both panting for air.

I sat back on the floor, taking (Y/n)'s hand and helping her into a sitting position. She was blushing redder than a tomato, looking everywhere but me. I smiled gently, feeling my heart beat faster and faster as each second passed. I pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her possessively and burying my face into the crook of her neck.

"(Y/n)... I love you." I whispered. I didn't need to explain how much or why. It was all explained through the kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you too." She replied, pulling back slightly to smile at me. My heart literally melted.

"Do I need to ask you to be my girlfriend? Or shall I just assume that we're official?" I said, chuckling a bit. To respond, she buried her face into my chest and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back tighter, and kissed the top of her head.

I was very happy.

KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE! Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!  See you next update!

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