Chapter Four

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Your POV:
"(Y/N)-CHAN!!!!!!" I heard Rin scream as she burst through my door. I fell off my chair and landed on the floor.

"Rin-chan! Oh my god, what?!" I asked, laughing slightly. She grinned widely.

"Ever since that cover of Unravel you did with Len, you've become SUPER popular!" She yelled. I was really shocked. I've been in a Vocaloid for about a month now, and after that day with Len, he forced me to cover it with him. I looked back at Rin and her face was in a devilish smirk.

"Another thing I forgot to mention was this; all of the fans have been going crazy over this new ship!" She said. I tilted my head to the side questioningly. She pulled out her phone and began typing something in. She then showed me the screen.

She had opened Tumblr and was scrolling through a certain tag: Len x (Y/n). My face suddenly began to boil and Rin obviously noticed.

"(Y/n)-chan, do you have a crush on Len? Or even better, do you LOVE Lenny?~" She inquired. I looked away and tried to reply.

"I-I... Um... W-What are y-you t-talking about-t I have NOOOO c-clue haahaaha o-of course I don't l-love Len!" I stuttered. I'm an awful liar. Rin had a poker face.

"(Y/n)-chan." She said blankly, "You are so obviously in love with my brother it physically hurts." I sighed and looked down, bringing my knees to my chest and hugging them.

"Okay. You win. I am madly in love with Kagamine freaking Len." I said, my face like a tomato. I looked at Rin and she was smiling like a madman. She looked like she had some sort of plan.

"(Y/n)-chan, I gotta go now, but I have an amazing idea." She said.

I sighed. What is she planning?!

Len's POV:
I was sat in my room, listening to music. All of a sudden my door flew open and Rin ran into my room, tackling me to the floor.

"LEN!" She screamed. I looked at her with an annoyed face.

"What?" I huffed. She grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "You know about that ship the Vocaloid fans are obsessing over, right? You and (Y/n)-chan?" She said.

I blushed deeply. "Y-Yeah..." I replied, not knowing where this was going. Her smile got more evil.

"Ever since Miku-chan showed me this ship, something has become extremely obvious!" She shouted. "What?" I replied, confused.

"You are super duper madly in love with (Y/n)!!!" She yelled. My face went bright red.

"W-What are you talking about!" I shouted, not wanting to let my secret out. She punched my shoulder.

"Come on Len, it's so obvious. I mean, you talk about her nonstop, you always seem happy around her, you have fun together, you always blush around her. I've never seen you act that way around any girl before!" She said. I gave up.

"Fine! You got me. I have fallen for
(Y/n) so hard I doubt I'll ever be able to get back up. But she doesn't like me! She deserves so much better. She's got everything. She's so beautiful, I mean, her (H/l), (H/c) is so gorgeous, those beautiful (E/c) eyes, not to mention how perfect her body is. She has an amazing personality, she's fun, she likes all the stuff I like, she's kind and she wouldn't hurt a fly! I just don't think anyone that perfect could even think about loving me." I said. My eyes began watering a bit but I blinked them away. I looked at Rin. She was crying.

"L-Len..." She whispered. She hugged me tightly. "Don't ever say that again. It's painfully obvious she loves you too. I mean, she's always staring at you, she's always talking about you, and whenever you so much as look at her she blushes. You two are perfect for each other. Fate will bring you two together, I know it will."

I smiled brightly and hugged her back.

"Thank you, Rin." I whispered

Woohoo! I had a lot of motivation today! So yay you get two updates in one day!
-Rhyme xxx

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