Chapter Eight

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Len's POV:

It was Saturday. None of us had any work to do, so we all just stayed in. I looked at the clock. It was only 11 am. Miku and Luka are downstairs watching TV. I think they're watching a movie, probably something like Twilight. Ugh. Rin is still asleep. If she doesn't have to do anything, she will sleep for as long as she possibly can. I'm not too sure what Gumi and Meiko are up to, but I'm guessing they're just in their rooms.

I looked out the window, into the back garden. It was a sunny, hot morning, despite it being autumn. Outside, I saw (Y/n), Kaito and Gakupo. (Y/n) was running around, giggling. She held a water pistol in each hand, and was shooting Kaito and Gakupo. To be honest, she was pretty good at wielding weapons despite her lack of athletic ability.

She had a short (F/c) sundress on and wore no shoes. Kaito wore jeans and a dark blue t shirt, keeping his trademark scarf on. Gakupo wore a white shirt and purple hoodie with a pair of black jeans. They were both soaked, running away from (Y/n) as she madly ran after them, shooting them in the back.

I sighed. (Y/n) always had so much fun with them. It makes me feel jealous. Kaito and Gakupo are my friends, so I know they wouldn't do anything to hurt me, it's just... She's so happy. I don't know what I'd do to make her smile at me like that, to make her that happy.

I walked away from the window and out my door. I knocked on Rin's bedroom door. I heard a faint "Come in." And entered.

Rin glared at me from the bed, but when she saw my sad expression, her gaze softened.

"Hey, what's up Len? You look kinda depressed..." She asked. I sat down in her chair by her bed, bringing my knees up in an odd sort of crouch and resting my head on them.

"I need your advice. You actually know stuff about love." I said quietly, embarrassed. She smiled softly at me and nodded. I continued.

"It's just, lately I've been feeling really insecure about (Y/n)... I see how much fun she has with the other guys all the time when we're not together. I know we're all friends, but I just feel as though she'd be better off with one of them instead of me." Rin opened her mouth to protest, but I cut her off.

"I just don't think I'm good enough for her. I mean, I'm an awkward, banana loving, spiky haired teenager. I'm kind of a giant nerd, I have nearly no athletic ability whatsoever and to be honest, I know nothing about relationships. I just..." I began to blush hard, "I just love her so much, all I want is for her to be happy. If I can do that, if I can make her smile, then that's all that matters, right?" I finished, taking a breath.

Rin stared at me in shock. She had no idea what to say. I smiled sadly at her, and walked out of the room.

I made my way to (Y/n)'s bedroom. I opened the door and stepped inside. I took a piece of paper and a pen from her desk and began to write. Once my letter was finished, I returned to my own room. I put on a hoodie, grabbed a small bag of stuff, and I walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs and out the front door quietly. As I walked down the path, I looked back at the house.

"Goodbye." I whispered.

Your POV;

I was soaked. Kaito, Gakupo and I had just been having a war. We had two water pistols and three players. The aim was to steal a gun and every time you shot someone, you got a point. At first I was winning. I had stolen both their guns without being hit once. Then, they disappeared, only to ambush me moments later. The game ended with me in last place, absolutely soaked.

I walked up to my room, a towel wrapped around my torso, shivering. I opened my door and stepped into my room to get changed. As I opened my wardrobe, I noticed something on my desk. I picked up the paper, smiling at Len's handwriting. I unfolded the paper and began to read.

My dear (Y/n),

I'm sorry...
We have to break up.


P.S. Please do not look for me. Please.

I dropped the letter, tears streaming down my face. I collapsed to the ground in utter shock. My eyes were wide and I was shaking like a leaf. Thoughts were crashing around my head, driving me insane. I clutched at my head, shaking it madly. I suddenly couldn't take it anymore and I let out a blood curdling scream.

Rin's POV:
I heard a scream coming from (Y/n)'s room. I stood up quickly and ran to her. I saw Miku and Luka coming up the stairs and Kaito walking out of his room. We all burst into our beloved (Y/n)'s room. She was curled up on the floor, head in her hands, shaking and sobbing. I ran to hug her, pulling her up to look at me.

"(Y/n)-chan, are you okay?! What happened?!" I shouted. Her eyes darted from mine to a letter on the floor. I picked it up and read it, slapping a hand over my mouth in shock.

"Len..." I grumbled under my breath. I held out a hand for (Y/n) and she took it, shakily standing up.

"Look, (Y/n). I know where he'll be. He will have only just left, I saw him not long ago. I'll take you to him." I shooed everyone out of the room and left (Y/n) to change out of her wet clothes.

After a couple of minutes, she stepped outside in her normal clothes. I looked at her, not sure what to say. Suddenly, she smirked at me.

"I hope Len doesn't think he can get rid of me that easily." She said, winking at me. I smiled at her, taking her hand. We ran out the front door and down the path.

I hope Len's ready, because when we find him, you don't even know what I'm gonna do to him for hurting my best friend.

Well..... Feisty Rin back there. Hope you enjoyed!
-Sophie and Rhyme xxx

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