Chapter Seven

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Len's POV:
Today, it's mine and (Y/n)'s first date. I asked her a couple of days ago. Well, when I say asked, I mean Rin thought we needed to go on a date already and dragged me to (Y/n)'s room. She then forcibly pushed me into the door, opening it with my momentum, and screamed, "(Y/N)! LEN WANTS TO TAKE YOU OUT ON A DATE!" Meanwhile, I was crushed under her foot at the door.

So today is the day. I'm really nervous. I've never actually dated anyone before. Everyone who isn't a fan of Vocaloids or doesn't know who they are finds me kinda odd, and the Vocaloids fans are kinda crazy, so I've never really had any experience.

I had on black skinny jeans, a white shirt, a black waistcoat and a yellow tie. I also had some black converse with yellow laces. Rin had, as a prank, replaced all of my shoelaces with yellow ones. Oh the joys of having a sibling.

When I was ready, I walked to (Y/n)'s room. With a slightly shaking hand, I knocked on the door. I heard light footsteps on the carpeted floor and the door creaked open. I gasped.

She was beautiful. Her (H/l) (H/c) hair was soft and shiny, her (E/c) eyes were like diamonds and her (pale/tanned, etc) cheeks were adorned with a little pink.

She wore a (short/long/medium) (f/c) dress with a (black/white) belt and shoes. In her hair she wore a (f/c) flower.

"Sh-Shall we g-go then?" I stuttered, still taken aback by her beauty. She smiled and took my hand and we left the house.

Time skip!
Your POV:

Len had taken me into town. We were currently walking around, looking in some shops. We walked into HMV to look at the music. I picked out a couple of albums; Panic! At The Disco's Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die and Pierce The Veil's Collide With The Sky. Len bought an anime for us to binge when we get home.

After that, we went to get some stuff to drink. We walked across the road, hand in hand to Starbucks. (Y/n) bought a (F/d) and I bought a hot chocolate. As we were paying, the barista recognised us.

"Hey! I know you! You're Kagamine Len and (Y/n) (L/n)!" She exclaimed, drawing a bit of attention. I smiled gently at her and Len waved awkwardly. She gave me a bit of a glare and my smile faded. She looked back to Len, winking at him slightly. Len noticed this and immediately put an arm around my waist, pulling me close. She glared at me again and walked off the make the drinks.

"Don't worry," said Len, "I only have eyes for you." My face turned red and I buried my face into his chest. He chuckled and kissed my head before leading me to our drinks and walking out.

As we walked, we came across a bench. We sat down at it and drank our drinks in a comfortable silence. We laced our fingers together and smiled. All of a sudden, Len jumped up. He threw his empty cup away, me following suit, and he lead me towards a shop. As we got closer I realised what it was.

"A music shop!" I exclaimed, a bright smile on my face. We looked at each other for a minute and then ran towards it. As we stepped inside, I felt the warmth envelope us. The shop had that smell that only music has. The shop was mostly empty, except for a few people at the counters. Len let go of my hand reluctantly and walked towards an electric guitar. He played a few notes before he began to play Pantera's Cowboys From Hell. It caught the attention of a few people and they watched him in awe. As he finished we all applauded. He blushes lightly and scratched the nape of his neck awkwardly.

Then I saw it. A grand piano. I squealed and ran towards it, eagerly sitting down, almost falling off. I tapped out a few notes, played a few scales, but before I could continue I was interrupted by a small child crying. In the corner of the room, a mother looked very distressed. She was trying to calm down her child, but the little girl wouldn't stop crying. I poked Len in the side and motioned towards the little girl.

"We've gotta help." I whispered. He nodded. "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?" I asked. He nodded again, grinning. I played the first few notes, smiling.

We began to sing. "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are." The little girl's crying momentarily ceased as she looked in our direction. Her mother picked her up and walked towards us slowly.

We carried on with the song until the very end. The little girl had stopped crying and was staring wide eyed at us. I kissed Len on the cheek and smiled at the pair.

"Thank you." The woman said, smiling brightly at us. I flushed and said a small you're welcome.

Eventually, the sun began to set. Len and I decided it was time to go home. We left the shop hand in hand and began walking.

No words needed to be said, all that was needed was each other's presence.

Heeeey! Rhyme here! Hope you liked this fluffy chapter :3

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