Chapter Six

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Your POV:

It was the day of the show! Len and I were backstage, getting ready to go on. Len was more or less completely composed, whereas I was a nervous wreck.

"(Y/n)-chan, you'll be fine! Don't worry!" Said Len softly, smiling at me. I blushed, my stomach full of butterflies.

"B-But what if I mess up?!" I started. "When we were p-practising I kept messing up! I-I'm gonna fall over, and o-off the stage, and I'll m-mess up the singing, a-and-" I was cut off by Len's soft lips being gently placed against mine. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. We eventually pulled away. Len had a small blush on his cheeks, but then began laughing at my bright red face. I blushed more and covered my face with my hands, burying my face into his chest.

"Aw, (Y/n)-chan, you're so cute!" He exclaimed. I pulled my head away to look at him, a faint blush still across my cheeks.

"I am not cute!" I huffed, "You just caught me off guard is all!" I finished, crossing my arms across my chest and looking away. He suddenly kissed my cheek. I squealed slightly and jumped away, my face entirely red. I sighed and looked down, hearing him begin to laugh.

"Fine, I'm just not used to being in a relationship..." I said, defeated. He hugged me again, kissing the top of my head gently.

"Never mind that, let's just get going! We're on next! Miku's just gotta finish this song." He said. My face became determined.

"Right!" I shouted, "I'm gonna do this! I won't fail! I am (Y/n) (L/n), I cannot lose!" Len stared at me for a moment, before we both burst into laughter. All of a sudden, we had to go on stage. We ran on, and the music began to play.

"Migikata ni murasaki chouchou, kisu o shita kono heya no sumi de" we began, "Setsunai to iu, kanjou o shiru hibiku piano fukyou waon!"

The crowd cheered loudly, making me flush with happiness. Before we knew it, the song was over.

The crowd screamed as Len and I linked hands to bow. All of a sudden, a mischievous look crossed Len's face and I was pulled into his arms in a sort of dip position. He then briefly places his lips upon mine in a short but sweet kiss.

The crowd went insane. Cameras flashing, cheering, even a slight bit of crying. Hey, your OTP becoming canon is emotional! 

Soon enough, we left the stage and the show was over. Len, the rest of the Vocaloids and I went home.

Time skip!

When we got in, it was a lot more hectic than I had expected. I mean, Len and I hadn't exactly been trying to hide our relationship from anyone, we just kinda didn't find it important to tell anyone. So when we got home, there was a lot of fuss.

Miku (IT AUTOCORRECTED HER NAME TO MIKE OMG HATSUNE MIKE IM DYING) was hugging Rin and squealing. Rin kinda just stood and smirked, arms crossed over her chest. Luka stood and smiled sweetly, saying a small "Congratulations!" Kaito and Gakupo didn't really care much, but they did give Len a few winks. Meiko was sat drinking, and was a bit.... Silly.

"*hic* hey hey Leeeeen!!~ Are you and *hic* (Y/n)-chan gonna get married and have 57 children~?" She asked, giggling. Len's face went bright red and Gumi decided it was time to escort her away.

"Okay, guys! Can you shush! Yes, (Y/n) and I are a couple. I think that's kind of clear now..." Len said. He hugged me from behind possessively, resting his chin on my head and glaring slightly at Kaito and Gakupo.

"Remember, she is mine. Got it?" He asked. I blushed slightly and turned around to hug Len properly, burying my face into his chest. It was fairly embarrassing how much taller than me he was, and he's really short! Miku, Rin and Luka awed and Kaito just returned to eating his ice cream. I pulled away and yawned.

"I'm going to bed~" I said sleepily, rubbing my eyes. Len was staring at me, a blush covering his face. "O-Okay I'll take you upstairs." He said quickly, grabbing my hand and leading me to his room.

"Len.. This isn't my room this is your room!~" I said. "I know, I know, but I want you to sleep in here with me tonight. You're too cute for me to resist." I blushed a lot, but then shook it off, climbing into bed. Len turned off the light, following my lead and wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling into me.

"Good night (Y/n)..." He said. I murmured it back, and before I slipped into a deep sleep, I heard him whisper three words.

"I love you."

HELLO! Oh my gosh SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE O LAST UPDATED! I've had writers block, and also I started piano lessons again! Sophie is proud of me *U*.
-Rhyme xxx

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