Chapter Ten (Epilogue)

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Third Person POV:

The next day, Len and (Y/n) returned home. Rin gave Len a thorough telling off, which everyone else found rather amusing, much to Len's embarrassment. Kaito had rather comical tears streaming down his cheeks as he clung to (Y/n). Len soon stole her from his grasp, giving him a rather terrifying death glare, making him shrink away in fear.

All was good.

Miku and Luka had been baking, so they all sat and ate cake. No one was unhappy, everyone was just glad Len and (Y/n) were okay.

Time Skip!

It was a warm evening, so Len and (Y/n) decided to go for a walk.

They decided on the little hill overlooking the river. A nice, peaceful place.

(Y/n) was crouched by the river, setting the fallen leaves afloat in the glossy water, smiling as she did so. Len just sat and watched, occasionally looking up to the stars.

"Len." (Y/n) said quietly. "Yeah?" He replied, looking over.

"What do you think will happen in the future? With us, I mean?" She asked, a small frown on her face. I took her hand gently, giving it a squeeze. She looked at me, her eyes a bit tearful.

"Don't worry about that right now. I have a feeling this," he held up their hands, "is right. Is meant to be." He smiled sheepishly, pulling the other into a hug. They laid down on the grassy hillside, hands still joined.

(Y/n) gasped slightly, staring open-mouthed at the starry sky. Smiling, she pointed at a constellation.

"Do you know what that one is?" She asked. Len shook his head. "It's Orion, the hunter." She pointed at a couple of bright stars in the constellation. "That's Rigel, and the other's Betelgeuse. They're a red and a blue-white supergiant." She chuckled as Len stared at her open mouthed.

"W-What?" She stuttered shyly, looking away. "I just realised something." He said, leaning close to her ear.

"You're a giant nerd" He whispered. "Oh shut up!" (Y/n) said, playfully punching him and giggling.

At that moment, they both knew that this would not be it; this was merely the start of something beautiful.

Hey! Sorry for not updating in so long -_-' I don't have an excuse I'm just lazy. Hope you enjoyed the last chapter!

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