Mermaid Spell: Chapter Eighty-Seven

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This spell turns you into a mermaid. The most it takes is a month and the least is a day.

You will need the following items for this spell:


What You Need To Do

First, get into the bathtub with water (if not around a tub, use a sink and place your hand in it). Then say:

"Witches and mermaids of the sea, make me what I wish to be. With a (colour) tail and the power of (power). So mote it be."

Then put a little bit of salt on you and then a couple minutes later wash the salt off and get out of the tub. You can also say the spell as many times as you want.

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This article was contributed by tatum012
Added to [Spells of Magic(.com)] on Jan 07, 2012 

Last edited on Oct 15, 2016

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