Pair of Wings: Ninety-Four

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This is a spell to get your dream wings.

You will need the following items for this spell:

- Paper
- Pencil/pen
- Colouring tools

What You Need To Do

Read all before doing anything. 

Get a piece of paper. Draw yourself but so you can fit your wings on and you. Draw your wings of any kind (example: bat, dragon, bird, etc.). Colour the wings to what your heart contents. Fold the paper any way once. Write down its info (kind of wings, what kind of creature it came from, what kind of powers you want, etc). Fold it again any way you want.

Write and say at the same time: 

"Wings, wings, come to me. Let me fly as high as the birds, I wish for wings on the physical plane, so mote it be."

Now fold it again any way you want. Draw a pentagram on it. Fold it again any way you want once again. Now every night for three nights, chant this:

"God/goddess grant me my dream wings on this plane from pain and flight. Wings, wings, come to me, let me fly as high as the birds, I wish for wings on the physical plane, so mote it be."

Then kiss the paper and place it under your pillow or place it within pillow covers.

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This article was contributed by Noralidy_304
Added to [Spells of Magic(.com)] on Jul 20, 2012 

Last edited on Dec 08, 2016

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