Meet Someone Famous: Chapter Ninety-Six

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The "meet someone famous" spell helps connect you and a famous person you target. Sometimes the results of this spell are a simple brush-by with the person (a quick interaction), and sometimes the results are a friendship which lasts a lifetime.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Photograph of the target you would like to meet [1] 

- Bananas [1]
- Tablespoons  [4]
- Vanilla extract [2 cups]
- Salt water [1]
- A cardboard box or wooden box to hold the ingredients [1]
- Empty 2 Liter Plastic bottle (to hold liquid ingredients) [1]
- Hiding place for your box spell

What You Need To Do:

Step #1: Cast the circle (follow instructions in chapter 1)

Step #2: Place the photo inside the box.

Step #3: Peel the banana and place it on top of the photo.

Step #4: Meditate for 3 minutes, imagining meeting the desired target.

Step #5: Pour the salt water into the bottle.

Step #6: Pour the extract into the bottle.

Step #7: Remove the banana and seal the box.

Step #8: Seal the bottle and shake the bottle overtop the closed box for approximately 30 seconds. (no liquid should come out of the bottle).

Step #9: Close the circle (directions found in chapter one of this book).

Step #10: Place the box in a safe place until target is met. Dispose of the bottle and contents (and banana).

This article was contributed by [Unknown]

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