Choose What You Dream: Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

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You can choose what you dream. You will not lucid dream, this is choosing what you will dream about.

You will need the following items for this spell:

- Voice
- imagination
- Belief in this spell
- A soft toy (optional for it to be linked to the dream)
- Going to go to bed in the next under 5 hours

What You Need To Do

1. Find a soft toy. it could be suitable for the dream, e.g. Cat in a dream with a cat in it, an animal linked to a song if you want it to play in a dream, etc. Take it to bed when you go to bed, and maybe cuddle it.

2. Imagine the dream. Focus on the story.

What will happen?

Who will you be?

What will you be?

Will you have special abilities?

What, who, and what abilities does everyone else have?

Where is it?

What does the place look like?

What will your and everyone else's voice sound like?

Who will die (if you or anyone else dies it will have no effect on real life)?

Think about all of these. If it is already a story in your head, replay it again and again, and bits you've missed out will come along in the dream.

3. Say this spell once, or if you have a story, think and think about it, and say the spell after this one:

"In my dream, this will happen:
I will be called (what you want to be called).
I will be (how old you want to be) years old.
My species will be a(n) (species you want to be).
My (say hair, fur, scales, feathers or skin, if skin applies to animals) colour(s) will be (say the colour(s) you want).
My voice will be (if it is like someone you know, or on YouTube, or if they have a nickname but you don't know their real name, etc."


"My voice will be like (person)".

If it is not from someone you know, just say the description of it, and imagine it in your head. if it is your own voice, say:

"My voice will be my own voice").

This is what shall happen: (describe what will happen or think it in your head)."

4. If you have the story in your head, think about it. Hard. Say this spell:

"This story will happen. I know who I'll be. My fate will not affect my life, it will affect my dream. Let me feel the dream as if it is real, this is a dream to come true in dream."

Now think who you want to be. Think of everything I mentioned earlier. if there are a lot of people or you can't think of enough voices or names, your dream will make them up for you.

5. This should hopefully work. You must believe. Hug your soft toy too. Think about the dream before you go to bed. Hope it works, I am going to try it. if you die in it but there is dialogue after you die, you will in effect, see it as a spectator. You will only experience pain in the dream if you choose to.

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This article was contributed by Lokitty

Added to [Spells of Magic(.com)] on Oct 23, 2015

Last edited on Feb 03, 2019

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