Rikvannah - I Love You

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"You can stay with me for a little bit," Riker suggested to his girlfriend Savannah over lunch at her favorite restaurant. He watched as she poked her salad with a fork, making sure she got a little bit of everything in one bite. She thought over the idea while she chewed, then took a sip of her lemon water. "You don't have to if that makes you uncomfortable," he quickly added. He was afraid that the slow response time meant that she was hesitant.

"It doesn't make me uncomfortable," she laughed. "When I brought up the story about my apartment building being fumigated, I wasn't trying to guilt you."

"I know!" he responded, reaching across the table to take ahold of her soft, small hands. "So, what do you say, roomie?"

"Alright," she gave in with a small giggle. "Are you sure your family won't mind?"

RIker finished off his drink, shaking his head. "Oh no, they won't mind at all. You aren't some random girl. You're my sweet Vanni." She blushed at the sound of her name rolling off of his tongue. "Do you need to go get anything from your place first?" he asked as he stood up.

"Everything I need is already in my car." She stood on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on his cheek. "So, I'll meet you back at your place, then?"

"Sounds good." Riker pulled her into a tight hug and laid a small kiss on the top of her head before they parted ways. It was always hard to let her go, but it was easier knowing that he would see her again in no time at all. He would be seeing a lot of her for the next couple of weeks, and he couldn't be more excited.


After she got settled in, Savannah grabbed her yoga mat from the pile of belongings in the corner of Riker's bedroom. She was dressed in yoga pants and a sports bra, revealing her toned stomach. "It's so nice outside," she told Riker in passing. "I'm going to go do some yoga outside. You're welcome to join me."

"I am not good at that stuff," he told her, causing her to stop in her tracks and turn to face him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he laughed.

"You should just try it with me. Dust off that mat I got you and join me. You might surprise yourself." Her weight shifted as she put one hand on her hip. "Besides, I'll go easy on you." With a little hop, she turned around and headed towards the back door.

Riker put on some loose clothes and grabbed the blue mat off of the top shelf of his closet before following her to the backyard. She had spread her own mat in the lawn and was doing some light stretching. When she saw that he decided to join her, her eyes lit up. "Let's do the sun salutation," she told him, getting into position. "Stand straight with your palms together at your heart like this." She demonstrated for him and encouraged him to follow her. "It's important to time your breathing along with the transition of poses, okay?"

He nodded as his hands met at his chest and his feet were at the edge of his mat. "Take a slow deep breath in and raise your arms, leaning backwards." She followed her own directions, bending backwards with ease. Her balance didn't waiver. However, Riker was very shaky. This wasn't even the hardest part of the salutation.

"Roll forward as you let a deep breath out and touch your toes." Vanni's body moved with fluidity and grace into the next pose. When Riker tried to follow, he struggled. He was able to reach his feet, but his back was curved. "Babe, straighten your back," she instructed, getting up out of the pose to correct him. Her hands ran over his muscular back, trying to smooth it out. Her other hand went to his stomach. "You are so hard to mold," she laughed.

"What's next?" he asked as he struggled to keep his pose.

"Extend your right leg back as you inhale, and lift your head. It's like a deep lunge." He followed her words, put fell over into her as he tried to lunge. She laid in the grass and giggled as he tried to recover. "Nice," she teased.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, rolling over in the grass to face her. He expected to see her cute face expressing disappointment, but she couldn't stop smiling at him. "You aren't mad?"

"Not at all. I'm glad you tried! Plus it was fun watching you struggle." She stuck her tongue out as he pulled her into a hug.

"God, I love you Vanni."

Her eyes went wide as she looked back into his. "You've never said that before," she whispered.

"But it's the truth. I love you." His brown eyes gazed softly at her.

Savannah chewed on her lip for a second before responding. "I love you too, Riker." They shared a sweet kiss in the grass as the sun continued to set and the sky turned a lovely shade purple.

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