Louis p.o.v

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I pray that Harry caught onto my hint there. But I doubt it. He still won't talk to me.

Niall gets off the stage and immediately runs to the food table. Liam runs after Niall to make sure he doesn't take the whole table (once a daddy direction, always a daddy direction. ) and I'm left alone with Harry.

"What was that Lou?" His voice startles me out of my thoughts.

"Wha- oh the baby doll thing? That was me throwing a baby doll off the stage," I say matter of factly.

" I see that.But why?"

"Use that head of yours once in a while! Might do ya good!" I laugh but Harry doesn't laugh along.

Liam comes back with Niall in tow. "But I'm hungry!" Whined Niall. "Your always hungry." Liam replied. Niall gives me a pleading look and with his eyes tells me to help him get food. I run past Niall and Liam and yell over my shoulder " Don't worry Nialler! I got your back! "

I feel hands clasp my shoulder and my arms being pinned against my back like I'm being arrested. I screech and try to wiggle free from my captive. I hear a laugh so familiar that I stop struggling and look behind me. Harry was the one holding me back.

I hear a warrior call and look down to see Niall running down the hall to the direction of the food. Harry let's me go and runs towards Niall. He reaches to grab his short sleeve but Niall ducks and shouts "FOR THE FOOD!" and he bursts out laughing and grabs my elbow ad he passes by. We make a mad dash to the food table while Harry and Liam yell at us from behind.

We reached the break room and Niall arms himself with a spoon and I a nerf gun that was left there from the night before. We crouched behind a table that Nialk turned over and waited till Liam and Harry ran through the door.

I started shooting nerf bullets at both of them while Niall tackles Liam to the ground and playfully holds a spoon up to his throat. Holding him hostage.

I point my nerf gun at Harry. "Give Niall the food and nobody gets hurt!"

Liam screams "Never!" And Niall taps him with the spoon on the mouth. Liam goes through this whole stage of dramatic dying before lying in his back with both eyes closed and his tounge stuck out on one side. Harry holds up both hands and starts walking towards me carefully. I pull the plastic trigger and a nerf bullet hits hits him right there his heart is. He clutches it dramaticly and kneels down o. The floor before falling backwards to lay on the floor like a dead body, his tounge also sticking out on one side.

Niall holds up both arms in victory and grabs a plate and piles it with food.

Soon we all sit around at a small table and eat food. Paul scolding us for running and rough housing. Merf bullets and the spoon lay carelessly on the floor. And for once in a long time everything seemed back to the good ol' days.

A line from Clouds popped up in my head and I guess they were for Harry. 'Someday your gonna see the things that I see.' and I hope that that day will come soon.


A/N: Hey guys! What do ya think about this story? Sorry I haven't written in a month :( !

I'll try to update every chance I get, but I also have another story, school, and cross country. So please be patient! Thanks guys for sticking with me this far! :)

~Zombiefighter01 😃

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