Louis' p.o.v

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I'm about to kiss Harry, his lips come close to mine. Bit when I kiss him it's not him. His lips don't feel the same. They're not rough like normal, but soft and glossy. I pull away and stare into brown eyes instead of green. I jump back and where Harry was just standing there is a blond girl. Brianna. She has a baby bump and she is smiling at me. She opens her mouth to say something but it's not her voice. It's Harry's. The he /she dream Brianna/Harry is saying my name urgently.

I wake up covered in sweat and I stare into a pair of emerald green eyes. I sit up and look around. Harry's outline is visible with the little light shining through the curtains. I look over at the clock. 4:25 am.

"You alright Lou?" Harry asks.

I look back at his outline. "The bloody hell are you in my room? "

"We accidently fell asleep after you asked me to stay with you. I just woke up because you were whimpering. "

"Oh," is all I say as yesterdays events come rushing back into my mind. "Sorry to wake you Love, it was just a bad dream."

"Do you want to tell me about it?" He asks as we lay back down and he puts his arm around me.

I swallow hard and try to figure out how to put it into words.

" I- I was just about to kiss you and when I did it wasn't you. I could tell because your lips are rough and these ones were smooth and glossy. When I pulled back it wasn't you, it was Brianna. She had a baby bump and then she went to say something but it was your voice. That's when you woke me up. "

I feel him kiss my hair. "It's OK Lou, it was just a dream."

A few minutes later we were both asleep.

*page break*

It was around 11 o'clock in the morning when Paul came to get us up. There was a knock on the door and Paul yelled for me to wake up. I turned around only to be facing Harry's sleeping figure. (I swear he could sleep through a tornando! )

"Shit!!" I yell as i realize that we aren't even supposed to be touching much less sleeping in the same bed.

Harry jumps up and looks around. "Shit what?!"

"Pual is gonna kill us!" I yell. Realization comes onto Harry's face.

A/N: So what's new? I have a goal to get at least one comment on this chapter. I really hope you guys liked it because it's like 11:55 and I'm super tired because I was up since like 7. So sorry if this chapter makes no sense! What do you guys think of the new album? I absolutely love it!!!! My absolute favs have to be
'Never Enough', 'Olivia','History', and 'End of the day'. :)


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