Niall's p.o.v

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"Can we go get food?" I whined. I was starving and I really want pizza, or maybe a hamburger.

"Niall we just ate!" Liam said with a laugh. I push my bottom lip out and cross my arms in a pouting way. Liam laughs again and hugs me.

"We have to leave soon, maybe the bus will have food." Liam says.

"Ooookk." I sigh. Some one knocked on the door and Liam went to answer it. I sat on the edge of the bed and made a mental check list of everything I have.

1) Baseball caps packed? Check.
2) Shirts? Check.
3) shoes? Che-

"Niall!" Liam called from the door.

"What?" I called back.


I don't think I've been at a door so fast, but only to be disappointed by Paul standing in the doorway.

"Afternoon Paul." I say. He nods his head.

"Have you guys seen Harry and Louis? " we both shake our heads no.

"Well I would appreciate it if you guys helped me look for them." He said with a worried expression.

"Sure thing. " Liam said and we walked out into the hall and followed Paul.The elevator wasn't coming up so we took the stairs. We went down to the front desk and asked the lady sitting there.

"Have you seen two lads? Uhhhh, one with long curly hair and the other is kindda short and his hair is slicked back."

"No, sorry." The phone rang and she picked it up. "Hello? Yes? Thank you." She hung up the phone and looked up at us. "That was the elevator company. They said that two men are stuck in the elevator and they may be yours. " Paul said a quick thank you and ran up to the floor she told us, which happened to be the floor below ours.

Paul kept pushing the button and Liam had to pull him back. "You'll only make it worse!" He yelled.

Then we heard a familiar deep voice, muffled by the metal between us and them. "Laim, is that you?!" Harry yelled. He sounded out of breath.

"Oi! Don't forget about me and Paul!" I yelled back at the doors. It was quite for a minute. Then another voice came through the doors. "Heeeyyy Paul! How's it going? Uhhhh...I swear Harry and I aren't even touching each other! "

"Ya! We're standing at opposite ends!" Harry yelled. I had to hold down a laugh because they sounded nervous and guilty.

"Don't worry! You guys will be out of there soon! " Paul yelled back.

"Take your time!" Louis yelled. That's when I list my shit and busted out laughing. Liam was doubled over in laughter and Paul was fuming. Oh well, he can't prove that they are doing anything.

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