Harry's p.o.v

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"Crap!" I yell as it dawns on me that Paul is gonna come by any minute now and wake us all up.

"What do we do?" Louis asks as I reach for the phone. I dial Niall's room and he picks up after the second ring.

"Hello?" He asks in a sleepy voice.

"Niall, hi it's Harry. Please do me a favor and distract Paul when he knocks on your door so I can quickly run to my room."

"Why? Where are you?" He asks still half a sleep. "Don't tell me you got breakfast without me!"

"No! I fell asleep in Louis' room and I know Paul is gonna tell management if he finds out."

"Sure thing."

"Thanks loads Niall! I owe ya one!" I hang up the phone and stand by the door, looking out the peep hole.

Pual knocks on Liam's door first and moves on after he answers. Niall bursts open the door before Pual can even lay his fist on it. Damn, Niall is not a good liar.

I open the door a little and wait for Paul's back to be completely towards me and I speed walk to my room. Niall looks over Paul's shoulder and sees me pulling my room key out to unlock it.

"So how's the family Paul?" Niall raises his voice.

"Niall what is wrong with you? I need to go wake up Louis and Harry."

"They aren't in the same room! I mean of course not, they broke up yesterday! Of course you already knew that. Well how's the dog Paul?"

"Niall I don't have a dog! What is wrong with you? Is Louis and Harry sleeping together right now?"

Niall shakes his head so hard I think it might fall off. Pual starts to turn around and I duck into my room and slowly close the door.

I tousle my hair even more to make it look like I rolled around in an empty bed. I instantly hear a knock and tip toe to the bed. I lay down and groan as if I just woke up. Pual knocks again and I slowly and noisily get up. I 'stumble' to the door and make my self look sleepy in the face. In open the door to a confused looking Paul.

"Hey Paul." I say in my morning voice. I could really be a good actor.

"Time to wake up Harry. " he says looking over my shoulder into my room. "And is Niall feeling OK? He was acting really strange."

"Ya probably just hungry, that's all." I say. I'm a way better liar than our Nialler. Paul nods his head and walks nest door to Louis's room. I pray that he can make it look like he just woke up alone in an empty bed.

I grab a fresh pair of cloths out of my bag and take shower.

After my shower I out on my cloths and dry my shoulder length hair. I remember when it was short with a whole lot more curls. Poofy too. Louis liked to sit and play with my curls. He did it one time during an interview and management found him Eleanor. It was a 'three strikes your out' kinda deal, and that was strike three.

I walk out my door and meet up with the lads in the dining room. Louis's face lights up as he sees me. I sit in the only seat open, next to him. I guess we can't really get in trouble if that's the only seat left.

I lean across the table to talk to Niall. "Thanks Niall. Next time just talk about something relavent and not about a dog he doesn't have. "

"Well, I ain't the best liar! But nice to help out my favorite couple. Well favorite same sex couple anyways. Liam and Sophia are my favorite couple. Or a always have a dream that me and Katy Perry date, in that case we're my favorite couple. " Niall always babbles. Its kinda funny sometimes on what he says.

" You and Katy Perry? " Louis asks, laughing.

"Oi! Its not funny! It can happen!" Niall argues.

Paul comes back and sees us all laughing. I start acting and pretend to ignore Louis and scoot my chair far from him. Louis has a hurt look on his face and I give him a ' don't worry look '. His face softens but I guess he realizes we have to act. He looks down into his lap with the hurt look on his face. My heart swells and I pray that I never have to see that look again. I Also pray that we don't have to pretend or not pretend a break up ever again.

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