Chapter Nine

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Eleanor's POV

Saturday morning I woke up to an empty house, and decided to listen to All Time Low's CD. Upon opening the case, I saw that there was a folded up piece of paper with all the songs and their track numbers listed.

I found it convenient, and looked at number one. It said 'Poppin' Champagne,' and I curiously hit play on my speakers.

Soon my room was filled with Alex's voice. I sat and listened to the whole thing, all the songs all the way through, then started it over again while I cleaned my room.

Every five minutes or so, I turned the volume up just a little bit higher, and after a while I knew some of the words and found myself softly singing along to some parts.

I soon had to switch over to different music, and selected Blink 182, first. It took me a few minutes to notice All Time Low sounded similar to them, but still unique in their own way.

I spent the rest of the weekend finishing my homework and listening to music.


Monday morning, I walked down the hallways a bit more carefree than usual, and stopped at my locker to get what I needed for third period. I was excited to see Rian and to see who would be my next partner for the project.

I entered the classroom humming a Greenday song to myself.

Rian sat next to me.

"Hey," I said smiling, and he grinned back.

"Hi! How was you weekend?"

I had asked Rian my three questions last week, so we were finished, but I'm sure we would continue talking when we had the chance.

"Good," I answered sincerely. "How was yours?"

He nodded. "Okay. Friday was fun, we should hang out again sometime. Of course, I'd try not to leave you with those hooligans again, know. I had commitments."

I nodded and laughed lightly. "No, it was fine! We still had fun after you left."

The teacher came in the room then, and instructed us that we needed to be moving on to our second partner. She finished talking and the room went into mayhem, students racing to be with one another.

I sat and waited to see if anyone would come to me, and I noticed Rian was already sitting with someone across the room.

"Do you have a partner yet?"

I looked up to see grey eyes looking down at me, surrounded by a tan face and framed by dark blonde hair. She was waiting patiently for my answer, and held a kind look on her face.

"No," I said quietly, moving my stuff so she could sit down across from me.

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