Chapter Nineteen

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Eleanor's POV

I smiled to myself as I shoved my books into my locker. Juliet had gone back to New York a few days ago with her dad to pack up everything. I almost couldn't believe it when she told me they were moving back.

The movie in the park that I was going to with Jack was tonight, and he was going to pick me up around seven.

I slammed my locker shut and turned to leave, but Claire was standing right behind me.

"Oh, hi!" I said startled. I hadn't seen her since we were partners, except for in the hallways.

She gave me a small smile. Her hair wasn't fixed pretty today like it usually is, and she wasn't wearing any makeup.

"You're an observant person, right?"

I was confused. "I don't know...."

"You must be. Eleanor, you know Blake, right?"


"What do you think of him?"

Oh boy. "He's. you guys are really cute together and-"

She cut me off. "No, I mean what do you think of him really?"

"Do you really want to know?"

She nodded. "He's been really hard to be around lately, and sometimes I feel like he only wants me to be hid girlfreind so he can show me off. I can't say anything to him or any of my other friends because they'll think I'm stupid for thinking this and- I don't know if I want to be with him anymore."

Claire took a deep breath and looked at me, wanting my insight.

I sighed. Hopefully she would be mad at Blake, not me. "Sometimes, when I'm switching between second and third periods, I see him with a junior..." I trailed off, not wanting to explain further.

Her eyes fell, and she ran her fingers through her hair. "I should've known that would happen. Thanks for telling me."

"I'm really sorry."

"Don't apologise,  you didn't do anything. Blake's kind of an asshole anyways. I'll find someone else." She smiled then turned around and left.

I stood there for about twenty seconds, wondering what just happened, then shook my head and started to walk home.


Jack and I got to the park and sat down on the blanket he brought with. Other people were there, but the movie didn't start for another half hour.

I crossed my legs and he turned to face me.


"So," I repeated. We looked at each other for a few seconds with straight faces, then broke out laughing.

Once we were finished, Jack asked, "So how's life?"

"Life is pretty good. How about you?"


We talked until the movie started. I learned that Jack was born in Lebanon, and that he had three older siblings. He asked me a few questions about myself, and we got to know each other better.

The movie was The Breakfast Club, and I was really excited when I found out because its one of my favorite movies.

After it ended, we stayed out on our blanket for a while. There were a few other people who stayed, but most of the people who came for the movie left. We were stretched out on our back, looking up at the stars.

"If you could have one job-any job in the world- what would it be?" Jack asked me. We've been asking each other random questions.

I thought about it for a minute. "I really have no clue. I like art, so I've thought about things like graphic design and architecture and stuff, but I really have no clue. I would be a vet, but I can't see myself with a job as serious as that."

"Well I'm sure you'll figure it out. What colleges did you apply for?"

"NY school of Visual Arts accepted me, so for now I think I'm just going to go with graphic design, even if I'm not for sure on it."

"That's a good idea. I know its your turn but I have another one."

"Okay, shoot."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jack asked. I avoided looking at him, even though I wanted to. Maybe Juliet was right and he does like me, and that's why they all wanted to hang out with me all of a sudden.

"Nope. How about you, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Never had one. Rian's they only one of us who's been able to keep a girl around for a long time. We keep joking about how Cassadee and him are going to be married ten years from now."

"You've never had a girlfiend?"


"Wow. Boyfriend?" I teased.

"You know it, girl," He said, bringing out a really flamboyant voice.

I laughed.
 We stayed out for a little bit longer, then Jack drove me home. I said bye to him as I got out of the car, and ran inside.

I don't know if he likes me, but I might like Jack.


Author's Note

Woah its been a while, sorry! Life just keeps happening so I don't have a lot of time, but I'll finish!

Whoever is reading, I cannot stress how thankful I am to you. I started posting this because I needed some way to get my band member obsession out, but I never expected people to actually read it. It's nice to know that there are other people in the world who have things in common with me.

Once again, thank you for all the reads and the votes! Leave a comment! Also go ahead and fan! I should hopefully be updating more frequently now, so it'll just be baskets of fun :1

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