Chapter Twenty

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Eleanor's POV

"So what's the deal with Alex?" Juliet asked me, putting some popcorn in her mouth.


"I don't know....he's cute."

I stopped folding the laundry I had in front of me and looked at her. "What."

Juliet shrugged. "What? I'm a teenage girl. Is it so wrong for me to think a boy my age is cute if he really is cute?"

"No," I said. "But why? Do you think he's cute or do you think he's cute where you would want to go on dates with him and hang out and have dinner and go to concerts if they become internationally famous and eventually get married and have weird little Alex/Juliet babies who would probably be the most attractive things in this universe." I stopped and caught my breath.

There was an awkward moment of silence where neither of us said anything or did anything except for stare at each other.

Juliet shook her head. "You are so weird. And that was a runon sentence."

I shrugged. "I'm quiet at school, there's no way for me to let the weirdness out so you get it all."


"So do you want me to like set the two of you up or something because as unromantic and experienceless as I am i could totally do that."

Juliet pouted her lip. "Maybe. I don't know. Yes. I don't know. Please?"

"Yes," I laughed. "But give me some time. I've got a busy schedule."

"You have a busy schedule?" She raised and eyebrow. "What've you got planned?"

I went back to my laundry. "I'm going to a movie with Jack tomorrow and we're gonna go to the mall the day after."

"Yeah you two should date."

"Well that was blunt."

"It's true. And don't say you're just friends or you don't feel anything for him, I know things."

"So what, maybe I do like him. he probably doesn't like me."

Juliet stood up and hugged me. She pulled away and pinched my cheeks, talking in a baby voice. "Aw, little Eleanor is so insecure." She let me go and I rubbed my face. "Eleanor you do realise you guys have been going on dates. Jack hasn't invited any of his other friends and neither have you. He wouldn't be doing that if he didn't like you. When a guy likes a girl his friends stay out of it and he'll be alone with the girl, hopefully not because he wants sex."

"I know. I'm just-I'm scared," I admitted.

"Its okay to be scared. You've never had a real boyfriend, that's something to be nervous about."

"Well I'm still not gonna jump to any conclusions. I'll figure something out about you and Alex, though. Just give me some time."

Author's Note:

Ehhhhhhhhhhhh I'm sorry this chapter is boring I'm sick and blech.

I'll get things sped up soon, I promise. I don't think I be able to update until after the holidays but I'll try my best to in the next few days.

ok bye.

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