Chapter Eleven

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Jacks's POV

I hummed quietly to myself as I walked back and forth down the isles of the record store. If you could even call it a record store. Did it have to sell actual records to be a record store? There were a few rows of them in the back, but no one really bought them. Then again, no one really had record players anymore. CDs are practically the same thing as records, only a lot smaller, and more convenient, and up to date.

I shrugged the thought off and continued browsing. It was my turn to get the music for our van when we had shows lined up, almost like mini tours. On agreement between all of our families, we weren't aloud to tour during the school year, but we had already gone a couple of times during the summer. Now we just tried to get as many shows as possible on the weekends and during breaks and vacations.

I started flipping through the section labeled with an N and found Free Your Mind by Nirvana. I added it to the discs I already had with me.

Figuring that I now had enough to last us for a while including what we already had, I went to the front counter to check out.

The dude at the register was tall and lanky, had messy blond hair, and wore a bored expression on his face. I read his nametag.

"Curt..." I said, getting his attention. He turned his gaze to me, raising an eyebrow. "That's ironic." I held up the Nirvana album and his eyes lit up.

"Free Your Mind. Sick album, man. Good choice."

I grinned, laying my CD's down on the counter. "Thanks. Nirvana rocks." He nodded, but something lying behind him caught my eye. "Could I see that for a second?"

Curt turned around and grabbed the CD I was pointing at, and I took it from his hands. "You guys have this in stock here?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Well, we used to. It was about a year ago, but I guess that's the last one."

I noticed that it was reduced in price, and added it to my stack, thinking of Eleanor. "I'll take this too. You ever listen to them?"

Curt glanced at the CD I just set down then continued ringing them up. "All Time Low? Nah, but I've heard of 'em. A buddy of mine has that same album."

I nodded, taking the plastic bag from him. "They're good, you should find the time to listen to them."

He shrugged. "I'll try. Hey, what are doing in here buying so much music at once, anyways?"

I began to walk away, but called back over my shoulder. "Buying music for the rest of the band. We have a show. Also, apparently buying our own album."

I smirked as the sliding doors shut behind me, and tried to imagine the shocked look on his face.

On the way over to Rian's house to drop the music off, I took a turn in the direction I remembered, and pulled up in front of the house I dropped Eleanor off the other night.

I hopped out of the car, grabbing two discs that I had just bought. I was halway up the driveway when I changed my mind and went back to grab another one.

After realising that we all owned at least one copy of Free Your Mind, I figured it could be my gift to her.

A man opened the door after I knocked. He was wearing khakis and was slightly balding. "Can I help you?"

"Is, uh, Eleanor here?" I asked, and the man nodded. He took a step back and called up a set of stairs.

"Eleanor, someone is here to see you!" He turned back to me. "She's coming. I'm Bill, sorry I didn't introduce myself right away."

I smiled politely. "I'm Jack, nice to meet you."

Bill raised an eyebrow, a knowing look on his face. He looked like he wanted to say something, but Eleanor came bounding the stairs, a huge grin on her face.

"Hi Jack! Thanks for getting the door, Bill."

"Why are you so happy?" Bill asked her suspisciously.

She turned and stared him right in the eye, a grin still plastered on her face. "Juliet!"

"Juliet?" He asked.

"Juliet! I got a call-you know what, nevermind. I'll explain later. I'm going outside to talk to Jack."

She marched past him and closed the door behind her. I stared at her, a bit worried.

Her grin faltered. "W-what?" She asked, suddenly nervous. "Did I say something? Jack?"

"That is the most I have ever heard you say at once...Your'e loud. And right now, you're very smiley."

She stared at me seriously for a minute then broke out in laughter. "I'm glad that's what's wrong then! One: Something put me into a really good mood, so that's why I'm all...'smiley,' and two: I'm at home. It's a lot easier to be myself around my family than kids at school."

"Right...well I'm happy that you're happy!"

She smiled. "So why did you come to my house?"

I held out the three CDs. "I got you a present."

She took them from my hands, reading the covers. I saw her smile grow even bigger, and my heart fluttered at making her happy. "This is you," she said, holding out So Wrong, It's Right. I nodded, grinning back to her. "And I know Queen and Nirvana!"

"You do?" I asked, excited.

"Yeah! My friend and I always used to listen to them when we hung out!" her eyes wandered somewhere over my shoulder to stare into space, and I figured they had brought up some sort of memory.

She shook her head, smiling at me. Her brown eyes gleamed, and she suddenly rushed forwards and hugged me. It caught me by surprise, but I wrapped my long arms around her, and enjoyed it while it lasted.

"I have to get going," I said when we pulled away, my heart going crazy. "I promised Rian I would meet him."

"That's fine," Eleanor said. I headed back to my car, and she stood on the front steps as I pulled away. I waved goodbye then continued over to Rian's place.

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