Chapter 3- Dresses

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I walked into school the next day and was immediately bombarded by Becca. "Why didn't you tell me Tyler asked you?!" She squealed.

I giggled and said "Well good morning to you too, sunshine. And I didn't tell you because I knew I'd be seeing you today at school."

"I had to find out from Cheslea Miller! Cheslea Miller for goodness sakes, Kate! Apparently she had asked Tyler to go with her and he said he had already asked you. Then she came screaming down the hall saying she would make him regret his decision."

I just rolled my eyes at that. Cheslea Miller was full of drama around to say the least. She had been with half of the football team and had been after Tyler for over a year now. Thankfully, he had always refused her advances.

"Anyways," Becca continued. "I'm stealing you away tonight so we can all go shopping for dresses!!"

I was both happy but internally groaning. Don't get me wrong, I loved shopping, but once you got Becca into a store and into her shopping mode, it was hard to bring her out of it to say the least. We would be there all night. "Okay," I said. "But we can't be there all night!" I added as Becca squealed with delight.


At five-thirty sharp, a car horn sounded from outside my house. I hollered goodbye to my mom and dad and rushed outside to Becca's waiting car. "Hey girls," I said to Jamie and Becca as I climbed into the back.

"Hey!" They both chimed in unison. "Whose ready for some shopping?!" Becca all but jumped for joy. I couldn't help but smile as we drove off to the nearby mall.

We went straight to the big department stores looking for dresses. After searching for awhile, none of us came up with anything. We grabbed a slice of pizza and quickly went back to shopping. We had much better luck the last department storage in the mall. Becca already had three dresses in her hand before she even finished looking at the first rack.

With our treasures in hand, we retreated to the dressing rooms. A few unflattering dresses later, I called Becca in to help me zip up my dress.

"You know he's like you for awhile now," She said, the happiness in her voice clearly evident, even if I couldn't see her face.

"Who has liked me for awhile?" I said confused as anything at this sudden topic.

"Tyler, of course, silly! I caught him looking at you one day with this look of wonder on his face and me being me, I teased him until I got the truth out of him. He made me promise not to tell you and I could barely keep it to myself at times. I wasn't even sure you liked him back. That was until a few weeks ago when you stayed at my house and I heard you talk about him in your sleep. That's when I told him he needed to make a move before graduation came and he never got the chance to." She said smiling at me.

Truthfully, this shocked me. Never in my right mind would I have though that he would ever like someone like me. I mean I don't think I was ugly but I surely was no Cheslea Miller. I had even assumed he just wanted to go to Homecoming as frineds, but clearly it wasn't just that. I smiled back at my friend and we linked arms walking out of the dressing room.

We all three walked out to the three way mirror by the dressing room to more carefully inspect the dresses from every angle. Becca had a deep red long dress on with a slit that came up the right side and showed off her incredible legs. Jamie had a long, emerald green dress on that brought out the green in her eyes perfectly. I had on a deep midnight blue dress that hugged my figure without drawing too much attention to it. It was v-necked with silver jewels on the straps and the bust. It was love at first sight for me.

We heard a low whistle come from our right. We looked to see Tyler, Scotty, and some of the other boys from the soccer team walking towards us. "Well don't you ladies look lovely," Scotty said, huskily. "Hey Becca," he added, eyeing her up.

"Hi," She said, suddenly very shy, not at all like her normal bubbly self.

Tyler flashed me his brilliant smile and I could feel the blush creep up on my face. "Hey Ty," I said shyly.

"I like that one best," he said as they started to walk away, continuing their path throughout the mall. He winked at me as they left and I couldn't help but to smile as I retreated back into the dressing rooms.

Hello my lovely readers! I just want to say thanks again for sticking with me. Another chapter should be out this weekend if everything goes according to plan!! This was more of a filler chapter but the excitement is coming up very soon!

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