Chapter 10- Movie...Fun?

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We all came back to my house to crash in the basement as a tribute to one of our last school dances. Arranging all the blankets, we all slept on the floor, huddled close, and drifted quickly off to sleep.

The next day, we woke up to the smell of my mom making pancakes. We rushed upstairs and all sat down at the big table in our dining room. My mom brought in several plates of pancake and we all dug in, our hunger fueled by the dancing from the previous night.

"Best dance ever," Becca said as she looked at Scotty happily, placing her hand over his. She had informed me that they kissed last night and were officially going out.

"I agree," Tyler said as he placed a hand on my knee.

I smiled at him and intertwined my fingers with his. I had been more than thrilled when he had kissed me last night and even more so when he had officially asked me out. He leaned in and kissed my cheek, making me blush.

"So, what do we all wanna do tonight? It's our tradition to do something the day after Homecoming, but what?"

"We could go to the school's volleyball game," Scotty suggested.

"Nah," Becca said.

"We could go to that festival in the park?" Jamie questioned.

"Nah," Becca said again.

"Let's go to a movie," I said.

"Oh yes! There's that one movie I wanna go see!" Becca said enthusiastically. "What's it called? My Crazy Pycho Killer? The scary one about the rampaging killer whose wife doesn't even know he is a killer?"

"Oooo, yeah let's see that one!" Scotty said and we all nodded in agreement.

Everyone left to go home to shower and change for the movie. We all agreed to meet back at the movie theater for the 6:15 show. I showered, removing all of last night's make-up and left over bobby pins. Tyler said he would be back to pick me up at 6:00. That left me with plenty of time for a nap, as it was only 1:00. I shut the lights out and cuddled into my warm bed, finding myself completely exhausted from last night.

Beep, beep, beep!

I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. Good thing I had set it because I really didn't plan on sleeping that long but I must have been more tired than I thought. I quickly got up and ran to my bathroom as I only had half an hour to get ready before Tyler was here. I did my business and washed my hand, splashing some cool water on my face. I applied some mascara and an almost nude lipstick, hoping it wasn't too much. This would be my first time going out anywhere with Tyler as his girlfriend. I almost squealed with excitement at the thought. I went into my closet and picked out some jeans and a super soft v-neck black t-shirt.

I felt a twinge of pain in my temple, signaling the incoming of a headache. I walked into the bathroom and took two Advil, hoping to kill it before it killed my night of fun. Coming out of my bathroom, I could hear a car pull up in the driveway. I rushed downstairs, yelled bye to my parents, and walked out to Tyler's car.

He gave me a blinding smile as I got in. "You look refreshed. Ready to go?"

"Yes, I feel much better after my shower and nap. Let's go!" I say excitedly, as Tyler reaches for my hand as he drives.

We were the first to arrive at the theater, so we headed in to get our tickets and wait. Tyler paid for our tickets, what a gentleman, and joined me on the lobby bench to wait for the others. They soon arrived and we all headed into the large theater, taking seats towards the back. The screen went from playing advertisements to the previews. The movie soon followed and I was sucked into the thrill of it all.

Halfway into the movie, I noticed the screen was becoming blurry. I blinked quickly and tried to focus as best as I could. The characters on screen shared their first kiss in a flashback to their wedding and while I thought it was adorable, a wave of nausea suddenly hit me hard. I tried closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths, but it didn't help any.

"I'm gonna step outside for a minute," I whispered to Tyler as I squeezed past him and into the aisle.

"You okay? Want me to come with you?" he whispered back, starting to rise.

"No, no, that's okay. I'll just be quick."

I went and used the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. My headache from earlier was only getting worse, despite the Advil I took. I left the bathroom and walked towards the back exit leading to the alley behind the theater. I walked outside, the cool fall air hitting me like a blast. I bent over, taking deep breaths, trying to calm my nauseous stomach.

"Kate, are you okay?" Tyler asked, coming out the doors and over to me. He rubbed my back in soothing circles.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Ty. Go back in, I don't want you to miss the movie. I'll be back in in a minute," I said, wiping my forehead,

"No I'm not going to leave you in a back alley at night behind a movie theater alone. Besides, I can't take Becca and Scotty's kissing anymore," he said, rolling his eyes.

I tried to laugh, but this only made my stomach more nauseous and my head hurt more. I normally don't get sick like this, but I felt absolutely awful right now. I leaned against the wall of the theater, taking in more deep breaths of the cool night air. There was a pause in the headache and nausea and I thought I was in the clear.

I made a move to go back inside, feeling better, when a sudden pain went through my whole body and I felt like my bones were breaking. The last thing I remember was Tyler's face as he ran towards me as I fell and then everything went black.

Wow, can't believe I did two updates in a day, especially considering I have finals next week.  I'm just so excited to write where this story is going my fuel to write seems endless.  I can't wait for you all to read the rest of the book and I hope you love it!  Thanks for reading!

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