Chapter 11- A Whole New World

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         I opened my eyes against the bright sunlight coming in through the window. I looked up at the white ceiling as I heard a door close quietly. I looked towards the noise and realized I wasn't in my room. This room wasn't mine and I had no idea where I was. I shot up straight in the bed, making my head spin. 'What happened last night? Where the hell am I?' I thought to myself.

     I began panicking, frantically trying to remember what had happened last night. It was like I hit a black wall, absolutely nothing came to me. A soft knock on the door almost had me jumping out of my skin. The door opened and Tyler quietly came in, shutting the door behind him.

"Oh, Kate, you're awake. How do you feel?" he asked, concern on his face.

"Tyler, what the hell happened? Why am I here? Are we at your house?" My breathing was becoming more rapid and my head was spinning.

"Kate, Kate, calm down. Breath."

     I took several slow deep breaths, feeling myself relax as Tyler rubbed small circles on my back. "Okay, now tell me."

     "You, uh, you got sick last night. I brought you here cause you couldn't drive yourself and I didn't want to disturb the rest of the group since they were still in the movie," he said quickly, looking anywhere, but me.

     Something had to have happened, something big. Tyler and I had been friends for years and he had never been afraid to tell me the truth before. I was worried how bad it could have been for him to bring me to his house instead of mine.

     "Oh, smell that? I smell pancakes, let's go," he grabbed my hand and I almost stumbled downstairs, he was moving so fast.

"Tyler, just tell me what happened," I said as we entered the kitchen.

    "Good morning," Mrs. Davidson, Tyler's mom, said from beside the stove as she placed several perfectly round pancakes on a plate.

     Tyler and I sat down. I shot him a 'this isn't over' look and smiled at Mrs. Davidson as she placed the pancakes in front of us. I thanked her and she went to leave the kitchen, but not before shooting Tyler a look that could only mean he was in major trouble.

     We ate in silence. Tyler refused to look at me and not only did this make me more worried about what had happened, it also annoyed me. Why wouldn't he look at me? Was what happened that bad? Why couldn't he just spit it out already?

     I could feel my heart pounding from nerves and annoyances. My head was throbbing. I tried to finish my pancakes but my headache was only increasing tenfold. Suddenly, images began flashing through my mind. Almost like a movie playing, I could see them clear as day. They rushed by in a blur and I struggled to keep up with them. I saw myself coming face to face with a wolf, running and being dragged backwards by that wolf, and my mom running to me screaming bloody murder. I saw myself last night falling to the ground with Tyler rushing for me only to land on all fours and take off running. I saw the forest rushing past me as I ran as if my life depended on it. I saw myself come upon a deer and pounce only to eat it alive. My stomach rolled. I gripped the table for support, suddenly feeling nauseous. I realized they were images from last night and from my attack. Memories.

"Tyler, what happened to me?" I asked, closing my eyes to try to keep the room from spinning.

     "Kate, I'm so so sorry that this happened to you. Please don't freak out. I promise I won't let anything hurt you and I'll help you through this all," he said. "The truth is, you're a werewolf now."

      My head shot up at him and I saw he was completely serious. I began to laugh hysterically. This has to be some kind of joke, right?

     "Very funny, now tell me the truth."

     "Kate, that is the truth."

     "Tyler, you're crazy. Just tell me the truth. Did I get too drunk? Did I do something stupid? Did-did we do stuff? Why can't I remember anything?" I asked, lowering my voice so his mother wouldn't hear.

     "Godess, no Kate. None of that happened. I'm telling you the truth. Please, I know it's hard to believe, but trust me." He looked so sincere I almost believed him, but how could I? It was crazy!

     I stormed off outside through the back door. I could hear Tyler rushing out behind me. "This isn't some kind of joke Tyler. It's not funny anymore," I stomped down the stairs, but tripped on the last one. I was already annoyed with Tyler and this small event, which wouldn't have normally bothered me, had me ready to blow a gasket. My anger was ready to explode as I got up, taking huge breaths. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as my rage consumed me.

     "Please, Kate calm down, breath," Tyler said, holding his hands up in caution.

     One thing you never tell a pissed off girl is to calm down.

     I screamed at the top of my lungs, fueled by my anger. The same bone-crushing pain from last night rushed through me and I closed my eyes, falling forward. Opening my eyes, I saw Tyler looking at me wide-eyed. I turned and ran from him, hearing him chasing behind me. This only pushed me further, made me run faster. I burst through the trees and underbrush, animals fleeing from my path. I ran until I come upon an opening in the trees where a small lake was. I walked over to the water, wanting to quench my sudden thirst. I closed my eyes and bent my head, lapping at the water. I opened my eyes and saw my reflection for the first time.

     A large black and white wolf stared back at me with shining blue eyes. I tried to move side to side, hoping my mind was playing tricks on me, but the wolf mirrored my movements. I looked down to see two blacks paws instead of my hands. I turned my head over my shoulder to see a long lean wolf body with a black tail swishing back and forth. I looked behind me to where a large wolf was standing behind me looking worried. The blackness came over me again as I fell to the ground.

Author's note: Hi all! Okay, so I know I said I would post an updates sooner and closer together, but finals week and the holidays threw me off balance.  But I'm back and ready to get moving with this story again!! I'm so excited to finally be at the place I've been dying to get to since the beginning of the book! Anyways, thank you for reading!!  Any comments, likes, or advice is welcome as always!  Thanks! 

With Love,


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