Chapter 4- Monster

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Still feeling the excitement of shopping last night, I walked into the backyard, feeling the warm breeze across my face. The moonlight was the only thing illuminating the yard. I liked it that way. It was peaceful and serene. I dropped my towel on the fence and walked up the steps into the hot tub. The water burned at first, but as my skin got used to it, it felt heavenly. I slowly sunk in and let the bubbles take away everything.

I wasn't sure how long I had been in there, but a light breeze had picked up that I hadn't even noticed. It gave my exposed skin goosebumps from the temperature difference. A strong gust of wind suddenly came and blew my towel off the fence. I groaned, not wanting to leave my warm bliss, but knowing I had to get out for the sake of my wrinkled skin. I slowly climbed out and picked up my pace, realizing how cold it felt, and jogged around to the outside of the fence. As I reached my towel by the treeline, I bent to pick it up.

A rustle came from the bushes. I whipped my head up, and a pair of luminous eyes met mine. Both fear and panic held me to the ground. I couldn't scream or move. The eyes blinked and lowered toward the ground. They took a step towards me and I matched it, taking a step back. A low growl came from the figure and that seemed to release me from my paralysis. I turned and ran, slipping as I came round the fence, my heart pounding. The heavy footsteps were coming impossibly close and this refueled my muscles and I sprang up coming round to the gate of the fence. As I ripped the gate open, I was slammed to the ground. Teeth pierced the skin in my leg and I let out a shrill scream. I felt myself being dragged backwards towards the trees. I let out another scream and tried to kick my attacker. With a growl, claws came and gashed my other leg and a scream ripped past my lips. Just as I was being dragged into the trees, the pulling stopped. I tried to crawl away and then to stand and run, but the searing pain left me falling to my feet. Blood was pouring out of my leg and I could feel myself slipping away. My attacker crouched, ready to attack again and I helplessly tried to crawl away all the while waiting for the pain and teeth to come again.

Lights turned on outside and I could faintly hear the backdoor open. The lights seemed to bring my attacker out of his killing spree and he bolted into the woods. I barely saw the large wolf outline running into the thick forest.

"Kate? Kate! Oh my god, Robert call for help!" My mother came rushing outside to where I lay on the ground.

Just as I succumbed to the darkness, I could hear a lone wolf howl off in the distance.

Well hello readers! I know this chapter was much shorter than the others but I really wanted to get to this part of the story. I promise it will be more interesting from here on out as we've finally gotten to the point where everything changes and the real stuff begins to happen. Please keep reading and I hope you all still like the book. As always any comments, likes, or advice is always appreciated. Thanks!!

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