Chapter 20-Saved

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I felt a hand softly stroking my face. My eyes flew open and I saw John sitting right beside my bed. I shifted to the other side of the bed, as far away as possible. I know I had locked that door last night. I looked over to find the door broken in half.

"Come down for breakfast," he said as he got up and walked out.

I walked down the hallway, my eyes flashing into the living room to the front door, to my freedom. I had to get out of here. I sat down in my chair and John placed a stack of pancakes on a plate in front of me. I slowly began to eat, waiting for the right moment.

"Sarah, look at me."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not Sarah, John."

The sound of his hand slapping my skin echoed around the room. My face stung where his hand had hit me.

"You're lying. I'm getting tired of you lying to me."

"John, I'm not lying to you! I don't even know you!"

"They poisoned your mind and made you believe you're someone you're not. They must have put wolfsbane in your meals. We have to get it out of your system and then everything will come back to you, Sarah. You'll remember me, you'll remember us." John went out of the room and I could hear him going through things in another room. I slowly got up and began creeping towards the front of the house, trying to make my escape. Strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back to the kitchen. I struggled against him. He set me down into a chair and tied me to it. The ropes were thick and tight and I couldn't get out of them.

"Now baby, this will help you. I'm sorry to hurt you but this is for your own good." He brought out a large kitchen knife from behind his back.

"No, John, please don't do this," I frantically began tugging at the ropes, trying to break them free. John grasped my right forearm and I tugged even harder. I thrashed my arm around but he held it in a steel grip. Slowly, he brought the knife down across my arm, creating a deep straight cut. I screamed. Blood poured out. John took my other arm and did the same thing. Tears were streaming down my face as I cried. My werewolf healing kicked in, closing my wounds, and John sliced my arms open again.

My eyes began to droop. Blood was running down my arms, beginning to pool at my feet. My head felt so heavy, but light at the same time. The room was beginning to spin, but I had to keep my eyes open. I couldn't go into the darkness. I would never come back out. My vision was tunneling in.  I felt my wolf getting weak.

I heard a bang and two shots rang out. John dropped to the ground. Dead.

I turned to look and there was Alpha Ryan holding a gun. He rushed over to me and cut the ropes. He caught me as I almost tipped forward out of the chair. "Kate, are you okay? Did he hurt you anywhere else?"

I shook my head no.

"James! Come here! I need you!" Alpha Ryan yelled to a group of people. A young man with blonde hair come out.

"She's lost a lot of blood, do you have anything to give her?"

"I came prepared Alpha, just in case." James handed the Alpha a small canteen.

"Here Kate, drink this for me," Alpha Ryan said, bringing the canteen t my mouth.

I slowly took a few drinks from it. The liquid tasted like an herbal tea of some sort. It was good. I instantly began to feel better. I took a few more drinks and the room was no longer spinning and my vision was clear. I sat up straight and noticed my arms were healed.

"Thank you," I said to Alpha Ryan and James.

"Kate, I'm sorry. As your Alpha, it was my job to protect you and I didn't. I'm so sorry. I never expected anything like this to happen. I talked to Alpha Darren and he said John lost his mate Sarah a long time ago. He said you looked just like her and he must have thought you were her. I'm so sorry. I feel so guilty."

I shook my head, stopping him. "It's no one's fault. Please don't feel guilty. You're a great Alpha. I'm okay, really."

"Thank you Kate. I'm just glad you're okay. I'll be back alright? I need to take care of some things and make some phone calls." I nodded my head and he got up. Two fighters took away John's body.

Finally looking around at the others that had come to my rescue, I recognized a face I had seen before, David. My wolf came alive again and howled with joy. Electricity ran through my body and the whole world seemed to stop. I would have thrown myself at him, had I not still been a little weak.

"Mate," he growled as he stormed over to where I sat, his eyes black. He picked me up, as gentle as if I were made of glass, burying his face in my hair.

Cradled in his arms, I knew my happiness laid in the hands of this wonderful man, my mate, my very own moon.

Well this is it!!! The very last chapter to my story! I hoped you all loved reading it as much as I loved writing it! It feels so good to have it finished and I feel so accomplished.  Thank you all so much for all your support.  I love you all.  There will be an epilogue the I will be posting shortly!!!!

Also, I hope you'll look into my new book I will be starting soon.  I don't wanna post anything yet until I have at least two or three chapter written.  Keep an eye out for it.  It's called Pack Mates.

Thank you again and love always,


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