Chapter 16- Punishment

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I left my newbie werewolf class and stood outside, waiting for Tyler to meet me. It had become a habit for him to be waiting for me after class was done. I leaned against the wall and slid to the ground, feeling exhausted from my training. My eyes drooped.  I felt as if I could drift off at any second now.

The sound of footsteps had me opening my eyes to find Tyler walking quickly towards me. He looked stressed and to be so absorbed in his own thoughts I thought he would walk right into the post in front of me. His head snapped up at the sound of me standing up, muscles aching and joints popping.

"Kate, they found him. They found the wolf that attacked you."

My heart thudded to an almost stop. My mouth was dry.

"They-they found him?" My mind was buzzing. They had found the man that had attacked me. The one who changed my life forever. "Wha-What's going to happen to him? What are they doing with him? Where is he?"

"They have him down in the clearing. He's going to be punished for his crimes." Tyler said as he watched me closely.

"Take me there, I need to go. I need to face him."

"Kate, I don't know if that's a good idea. Are you sure?"

I nodded my head vigorously and Tyler took my hand, leading me in the direction of the clearing in the old woods behind the training building. We came to the clearing quickly and I saw a man standing in the center with two of our best fighters both holding him by the arms. I walked over closer to get a good look at the man who changed my life forever and could feel Tyler close behind me. The man was scruffy with shaggy brown hair. His beard was overgrown and his clothes were tattered. He had a certain scent about him that made me sick to my stomach.

The man looked to me and recognition crossed his face. He looked petrified.

"You," he said. "You're the one I attacked that night. But yo-you were human then. Now you're, you're a wolf. I can smell you."

"Yes, I am. All because of you. Why? Why did you attack me?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm. I had done well so far with my transition, but seeing the sight of the man that changed my life had me on the verge of tears.

"It was an accident, I swear. I was drinking that night and wanted to go for a run. I don't even fully remember everything. I remember you lying on the ground and some lady screaming, running towards you. I bolted so I wouldn't be seen," he said, his voice becoming hysterical. "I never meant to attack you or change you, I swear,"

"You bastard!" Tyler said, stepping towards the rogue.

"Alpha," one of the fighters said as he bowed his head. Tyler stopped and we watched as our Alpha walked over to us, slow and confident. We bowed our heads in respect as he passed in front of us.

"Rogue, you have broken one of our most sacred laws," Alpha Ryan began, "The law to never bring harm to an innocent human. You turned her and now you must pay for your sins." He stepped up and grasped the rogue by the neck.

"No, no please! I never meant to! It was an accident! Please!" The rogue screamed, thrashing against the two men holding him.

"May the goddess have mercy on your soul," Alpha Ryan said. Tyler turned my head into his chest as I heard the snap of the rogue's neck.

It was all over. It was finally over.

"Come on Kate, let's go home," Tyler said, pulling me towards the direction of his house.

We walked in and straight up to Tyler's room. He closed the door and I sank down onto his bed.

"Kate," he said as he looked at me and walked over to hold me close. He wiped tears from my eyes that I hadn't even noticed had fallen. "It's okay, Kate, it's all over now. He's gone," Tyler said as I gripped his shirt tightly and began sobbing into his chest.

Well, here's another chapter already!! I told you that it would come more quickly as I had most of the ending chapters typed up already.  This is kinda an intense one, but the next ones are even more intense.  Again, be prepared!  Also, as always, any likes, comments, or advice is always appreciated!  Thanks!! Love to you all!! 


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