Chapter 8-Run

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"Alright, everyone. Today's the day we all do our mile run. This is the actual test and you will be timed," our gym teacher, Mr. Bryson said.

The entire class groaned, excluding all the athletes, and surprisingly myself. I normally hated running, but I felt the adrenaline coursing through me. My muscles felt like they were just begging to be stretched.

We all lined up, waiting for Mr. Bryson to give us the go ahead. He raised his hand, lowered it, and yelled "Go!"

I took off and felt the energy inside me burst out. I began to pass students as we weaved through the trail in the woods, all the while watching my footing to keep from tripping up on tree roots. I soon found myself towards the front and that I could easily keep pace with the students ahead. We were going deeper into the forest until we rounded the corner and I knew we were at least halfway there. I kept running until I could see the trees thinning out and this seemed to give me a renewed energy. I pushed forward as we broke through the treeline. I could see the finish line and gave my run one last kick and sprinted towards the end.

"Good job Hunt. Six forty-five," Mr. Bryson said, as I crossed the finish line.

I almost tripped over my own two feet. The fastest I've ever done was eight and a half and I felt like I was dying after that. I stood at the side of the track in shock for a few minutes as students continued to run pass me.

"What the hell? How did you do that so fast?" Becca whined as she flopped onto her back on the ground, her breathing fast and labored after crossing the finish line. "You didn't even break a sweat!"

I looked down at myself and realized she was right. I wasn't sweating at all and my breathing wasn't even fast. In fact, I felt amazing. I shrugged my shoulders at her and extended my hand out, helping her off the ground as the last few students crossed the line. She just shook her head and brushed off her butt. We walked back into the school building and towards the locker room. We chatted as we changed.

"So did you hear Seth finally asked Jamie to Homecoming?!" Becca said, excitedly clapping her hands.

"No, but that's great! They'll be adorable together," I said, smiling. They were both shy and quiet and perfect for each other.

The bell rang and I quickly packed up my bag and stuffed my clothes in my locker. I waved goodbye to Becca and locked up my clothes. Thank goodness it was Friday, so I could go home to relax for a little. Walking out of the locker room, I headed towards the parking lot while digging for my keys in my bag.


I turned and saw Tyler walking towards me. I slowed and let him catch up and we headed into the parking lot. "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, I heard you kicked butt in the mile," he said, smiling at me.

"Yeah," I said. "I got an A, so I'm thrilled about that."

"Nice!" he said, as we neared my car. "Hey, so I wanted to ask you, did you still want to go to Homecoming? I mean, after you were attacked and everything, I completely understand if you don't want go anymore."

"No, Tyler. I still want to go. I've been feeling better now and I think that going would help me even more," I said worrying. "Why? Did you find someone else to go with?" I added and my eyes dropped to the ground, trying to hide my disappointment.

"No! Godess, no! I just wanted to make sure you were still okay with it. You don't know how long it took me to ask you, I'm not wasting my opportunity to take a pretty girl," he said, flashing me a brilliant smile.

I felt my face heat up and a warm blush creep across my face.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" he asked.

I nodded and he leaned in and placed a kiss on my cheek. If possible, my face got even redder. Tyler started backing away and waved, turning to walk to his car, leaving me to stand there like an idiot, gawking after him. I placed my hand on my cheek that was tingling like crazy.

Hello readers! I'm sorry this chapter was shorter, but this is the point where everything starts to get exciting.  The next two chapters will be very big for Tyler and Kate and the world will change forever-well Kate's world at least.  Thank you for your patience and I send you all my love!

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