Chapter 6-Tempermental

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The doctor decided I could go home Wednesday. He kept me to ensure my leg wasn't infected and my head was okay since I had been unconscious. I wasn't allowed to go back to school until Monday, but I didn't mind the extra time off. I still was a bit shaken from not being able to remember anything.

I walked into the house, instantly feeling calmer at the familiar environment. I searched the cabinet for some chocolate to satisfy my craving.

"Don't spoil your dinner, hun," my mom said, opening the fridge, looking to see what she could make for dinner tonight.

"Actually mom, I'm not really all that hungry. I think I'm going to turn in early for the night," I said finally finding a mini chocolate bar much to my delight.

"Are you feeling okay, sweetheart?" she said, feeling my head for a fever.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just tired from today," I said, smiling.

"Okay. Don't forget your antibiotic. Goodnight. Feel better and we love you," my mom said, returning to the fridge.

"Love you guys too."

Taking my antibiotic, I walked upstairs and flopped onto my bed. I rolled onto my back and looked at my star covered ceiling. I tried for the millionth time to remember what had happened Saturday night. And for the millionth time, I came up with nothing. Sighing, I changed into my pajamas, turned on the TV, and headed to bed.


Walking into school on Monday, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. In the hallways, in class, everywhere. Finally it was time for lunch and limping to my locker, I slowly got my books out for the afternoon. I dropped some papers and bent to pick them up.

"I bet she was being a whore and got rejected by a guy. Then she stabbed herself, saying he attacked her."

Looking up, I saw Chelsea Miller down the hallway, whispering with her friends, giggling and staring at me.

"Excuse me? What did you just say?"

"Say what? I didn't say anything?" Chelsea gave me a fake, sweet smile.

"Yes you did, I heard you."

"So what if I did? What's a pathetic attention-seeking whore like you going to do about it?" she smirked and flipped her oh-so-fake blonde hair.

I literally saw red. "You stupid bitch, you're one to talk," I said, walking towards her. I raised my hand, wanting nothing more than to slap that stupid smirk off her pretty little face.


I stopped in my tracks and turned towards the voice that instantly had my attention. Tyler was walking towards me. "Hey, let's go," he said reaching for my hand.

I took it and we walked down the hallway, through the crowd of staring students. We walked all the way to the gym, out the doors, and into the crisp autumn air. The cool air hit me and I suddenly came to the realization of what I had been about to do. Usually, I would never have laid a hand on anyone unless they had hit me first. I really don't know what came over me. I was never one to have a temper before.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tyler asked, holding me at arms length and rubbing them soothing.

"Yeah," I said, my voice cracking. Tears I didn't know I was holding back, were suddenly falling from my cheeks and Tyler crushed me into one of his warm, comforting hugs. "Is that really what people think happened Tyler? That I pretended to be attacked? That I'm some kind of dirty whore?"

"No, Kate. No. And if they do then, they don't know the real you. They shouldn't listen to Chelsea Miller's made up lies. And neither should you. Don't let it get to you. Come on, let me see that pretty smile of yours that I know is hiding in there somewhere," he said, smiling at me.

My lips pulled up into a small smile. It was impossible to not be affected by his sweet words. He had always known how to make me feel better, even from day one of our friendship when he saved me from some older kids in first grade.

"There it is. Now come, I'm starving," he said, reaching out for my hand, as we headed inside to the lunchroom.

Author's note:  Hey guys!! So two updates in one day! I told you things were going to be coming quicker now that I have the path set for the story.  We're starting to see how the attack affected Kate and how she's changed a little....could it be her wolf coming out to play? Stay tuned to find out!! 

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