Chapter Six: To Be a Sun Princess

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The day hadn't begun yet. At least, not officially. That wouldn't happen for half an hour yet. But Celestia's day had gone for three hours already. It was before her normal time of rising, when Luna was wide awake. Celestia had been awoken by a hoof pounding on her door. Before she had reached it, however, a small mob of ponies (six to be exact) came barging into the room. Apparently they were her prep staff. Thirty minutes for a bath, thirty minutes to fit her dress on and arrange the necessary ornaments, an hour for her mane, an hour of general giggling and "last minute" things, and Celestia was thoroughly tired of the fuss. She was just about ready to ask to be coronated in a weather pony's raincoat. Then again...she did look beautiful. They had dyed her normally all pink mane different shades of light blue and pink and purple. The gown was white and gold, embroidered with golden suns. Celestia stoof in front of the mirror, opening and closing her eyes as if to awake from a dream. The young mare in front of her looked much more mature and lovely than normal Celestia. But she did have to impress. Dignitaries were coming from the far reaches of the world: Saddle Arabia, Griffonstone, Zebraca, Maretonia..
and Dracon. Dracon was a very tiny kingdom, with a population of five. In reality, it wasn't a kingdom at all. Just a family of....things. The creatures weren't equine, they weren't bulls or bats or griffons or zebras. They were a strange mix, one said to be created every time Equestria banished it's chaos. In other words, the Draconeqqui were trouble. Normally. But today was special. No one dared cause anything. They were all waiting to see these alleged alicorns, said to be able to raise the sun and moon. Five minutes. That's it. In five minutes, I will raise the sun. The trumpets and choir were already beginning their long fanfare. Celestia walked gracefully down the hall, meeting Luna on her way to the door. The sisters didn't stop, only smiled at each other. They could hear Starswirl now, his old voice addressing the gathered masses. "...and now they are ready. Creatures of Equestria and beyond..." Celestia and Luna readied themselves behind the huge double doors. "...I give you the sisters Celestia and Luna!" The doors opened, the faint light from an illumination spell stretching over the palace. The masses gasped as the two emerged. Celestia had known there would be a crowd, but this? And all staring at her! As she walked slowly to the podium where she would begin to raise the sun, she was sure she saw at least two fainted mares, five overly excited foals, and six drooling colts. She resisted the sudden urge to toss her mane. That wasn't becoming of a ruler. Not her, not today. The podium was a set of marble stairs, into which had been placed a long golden pole. At the top of the pole was a half circle of gold, with rays coming from everywhere and a set of gold wings. That would highlight the sun's rays as she raised the sun. Stepping to the center. She took a deep breath. For Equestria. The magic glowed, and the masses gasped again as the sun's light began to touch the horizon. A murmur spread as it rose to peek over the hills. That murmur grew to a fever pitch as the sun moved, coming to rest in the sky directly above Celestia. A moment if utter silence. From amazement, most likely. And then...."Long live Celestia!" It was taken up as a chant as Starswirl made his way over to where Celestia stood, gazing over the crowd. A small blue unicorn hurried up with a pillow held in his magic. On the pillow was a crown. The crown. Her crown. Starswirl levitated the golden circle above her head and began to speak. "Celestia, this crown is a symbol of undying loyalty and duty to your kingdom. They have chosen you, and have seen that you are worthy of the crown. Do you promise to forever bear the crown as a servant to your subjects, and as their Princess?" "This I promise, by my magic, by my flight, by the sun itself." Starswirl said nothing else until the metal rested on Celestia's head. It's so cold. "Creatures of all kingdoms, I present....Princess Celestia!" So many many smiles and many cheers...

Is this what it's like to be a Sun Princess?

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