Chapter Twenty-Four: Clock Strikes Twelve

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Luna and Celestia were running through Canterlot Castle, laughing and talking about times long past. There had been many advancements since Luna's day, and it was a bit of a culture shock. By "a bit" of culture shock, I mean a lot! Finally, the sisters reached the throne room. The damage done a thousand years ago had been fixed, and where the rubble of the two thrones had been, there now stood a single throne, trimmed with gold. They only made one? Of course they only made one. I wasn't here for the past thousand years! Celestia was talking about the throne now: "There's only one right now, but I can have it moved and another added, or we could share." Luna stood silent. The sisters turned and walked out of the throne room without another word. Going into her study, Luna looked around. Not even a cobweb had gathered. All was in perfect order, even after a thousand years. No doubt Celestia had kept it that way until Luna returned. Luna felt a little guilty now about missing Midnight Winter. But she couldn't help it. For one thousand years, and before that nearly a hundred, Midnight had been her friend when she needed one. And now that Luna was not among the stars, it was almost definite that she would never see Midnight again. Celestia noticed the sadness in her sister's eyes. Lighting her horn, she sent a message to a servant pony waiting in the hall. Bring in the gift, it said. So the servant pony ran through the castle to retrieve "the gift". Up stairs and down them, in and out of corridors, until she came to the new door beside Celestia's chambers. Celestia's door was engraved with the sun, but this door was unmarked except for a little silver circle. The door opened and a pony stepped out. Without a word, the servant led the unknown pony to the door of Luna's study and left them there. The pony entered unseen, as the sisters' backs were to them. Celestia was the first to glance around, flashing a smile at the pony and t b end turning to whisper in Luna's ear. "What time is it?" Luna looked at Celestia questioningly. "Twelve. A new day."Celestia shook her head with mock seriousness. "No, sister. It is not twelve." Extending a wing, she gently turned Luna to face the door. Luna only had to look for a moment before she knew what Celestia was trying to say. The pony in front of her was a batpony mare, a Pegasus with bat wings. She was tall, dark blue with black, silver, and gold in different places. Her cutie mark was not truly hers, Luna knew. For this was no natural-born batpony, no ordinary mare. For the clock had indeed struck twelve. It was a new day.

It was Midnight.

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