Chapter Ten: Sisterly Advice

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Luna awoke to see sunlight streaming across her chambers: Celestia's way of telling her it was time to get up and raise the moon. Luna yawned. A month had passed since the coronations, but she was still catching up on sleep. So many meetings! And all in the daytime, too! She rose from the blue satin sheets and levitated a silk robe of the same color onto herself before going to the large window. She had insisted on having this window, and now was very glad she did so. It gave her a view of the town square, and of the balcony where Celestia was now standing. Luna levitated her shoes, necklace, and crown on as she left her room. An anxious unicorn servant helped her get the robe off before Luna stepped outside to her own balcony. Wait until they see my sky tonight! New ponies from all over Equestria had flocked to Canterlot to witness the Raising of the Sun and Moon every day. Tonight was no different. Everything was wonderful. Except...there was one creature that Luna would rather have stayed home. It's that Draconeqqus again. I have a bad feeling about him. If Tia wasn't such good friends with him, I might ask for him to be banned from thus ceremony. Ah well. Luna smiled. Forget Discord. She had ponies watching her, waiting for her. She lit her horn with the words she always did. As the sun dissapeared, the moon rose as a silver circle above Equestria. Luna had chosen a lovely color for tonight. Violet. She had discovered it a week before, and since then, every night had been some variant of purple. The ponies below oohed and ahhed as, one by one, the stars began to appear. All too soon, it was done. There were few things that rivaled the joy of creating the masterpiece that was the night sky. Luna noticed that even Discord seemed in awe of what she could create. But somehow, that only made her more uneasy. She also noticed that Celestia had gone inside. Glancing back at the Draconeqqus, Luna had a thought: What if he's waiting for her? What if he has in mind to make her his special somepony? Luna shivered. Not my sister. Not on my watch. Luna didn't even bother taking the "civilized" route through the halls of the palace. Instead, she simply flew right in to Celestia's room via an open window. Celestia was just fastening a beautiful red cloak, which featured a golden sun as its clasp. Luna sighed. Celestia's mane was paticulary flowy. Meaning she or someone else had spent a great deal of time brushing it. That and the cloak meant she was going somewhere. Luna closed the window behind her. "Tia. About Discord-" She wasn't able to get another word out. "Oh Lulu, isn't he the most interesting creature you've ever met?" Luna had to pull her head back to keep from being smacked in the nose with Celestia's mane as the young white and pink mare flew to the mirror. What fresh madness is this? Tia is obsessed! Luna touched Celestia's shoulder with a hoof. "Celestia! You're going mad over a Draconeqqus! Do you know how dangerous they are!?!?" Good grief. Is this what Tia feels like sometimes? Ughh.... Celestia took a step back from the mirror. For an instance, Luna thought that Celestia might come to her senses. But she only tossed her head. "Lulu, you must let me take care of myself. I know Discord. He would never do anything to put me or Equestria in danger." Luna felt a chill run down her spine. She won't listen... Luna sat on the window sill, ready to leave. At the last minute, she turned back to Celestia: "Tia, if you hear nothing else, listen to my advice. I give it to you as your loving sister: Stay away from Discord." And then Luna took off, flying into the night. She couldn't help but wonder...would Celestia take her advice? Or risk the downfall of Equestria?

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