Chapter Sixteen: Justice

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Luna had to resist the urge to snarl as Celestia went about her "gracious and beloved ruler" routine. The only thing that kept her grounded was the front row of the crowd. Some pegasi, some earth pony, some unicorn. All different shades of blue, black, and white: Midnight Winter's descendants. As of now, there were about fifty of them, not including the two currently expected. They were Luna's family, though not exactly her kind. I wish Midnight could be here. She would love the celebration. And she would love seeing this generation of her descendants, her great-great-great-grandfoals. But Luna's peaceful reminiscence was broken by the blinding light that was spreading over the horizon. Celestia's sun. They've started calling her "The Greater Light". Ha! That light can only burn you! I should know... When Midnight Winter was dying, Luna was clutching at anything. Midnight was the only friend she had. Luna had sent out a proclamation that any doctor able to cure Midnight Winter would gain whatever they desired. Yet all the doctors came from the room shaking their heads. Next, Luna had tried magic. She had not left the library but to raise and lower the moon, not eating or sleeping. Despite its vast collection, the palace library held no spell to turn back the hands of time. So Luna was left desolate. When at last she stood at Midnight's side, hearing the mare's last words, she sent a courier to get her sister. When the tutor had been mean to them, Celestia was there. On the day they were coronated, Celestia was there. Sure, Celestia was busy. But surely she must know that this was a time when Luna needed Celestia.

But no.

The courier arrived as Luna was singing. It was not a song he had heard before, but its style was that of an old song, one with history and meaning.

May all your dreams be sweet tonight;
Safe upon your bed of glowing lights
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there.

The courier waited until the song was done. Luna had turned slowly, the look on her face speaking of the desolation she felt, but dared not tell to anyone but her sister. Celestia. The mare that didn't come in time. That night had been the worst of Luna's life. She had fallen asleep soaked in tears, in the shambles of her bed, which she had destroyed in a fit of anger. The next day, the sun dawned as usual, shining its bright, happy face over Equestria and the surrounding kingdoms. Celestia was out there somewhere. Raising the sun, being admired. Flattered. Acting humble and honest. Luna hated that burning light. She had not gone out in sunlight since. Every time she lowered the moon, she had gone and shut herself inside before the first rays of dawn. So far, none of the spectators had noticed Luna's absence. That is, except for Midnight Winter's line. In a way, they had become a sort of royal council. Celestia couldn't be counted on anymore. The unmasked pride she possessed was clear. Luna lifted her chin and smiled to the crowd. She would become a ruler to be reckoned with. Pride comes before a fall. Celestia's day will run out eventually, and when it does, my night will arise.

Then there will be justice at last.

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